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  Tabletop synth/sequencer stand
Posted by: Dark Manifest - 04-01-2021, 08:54 AM - Forum: Synths and Gear News, Discussion - Replies (3)

Just a line or so to tell you about the perfect tabletop stand for most any tabletop synth. Or, in this case, my favorite sequencer. It's cheap, sturdy, adjustable and nice looking. I don't benefit in any way from this. I just found something that works, and I want to share it.

I made a 90 second video if you care to watch.


Or, here's a link to the item on Amazon.


If you look around Amazon you can find smaller sizes. Or, pair up your NDLR with your Typhon or nts-1 or what have you on one large stand.

You really should watch my little video! ?

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  Translate Velocity (aftertouch, modwhell, pitchbend etc) to CC
Posted by: User - 04-01-2021, 05:58 AM - Forum: General Support - Replies (2)


I like velocity related effects, for example to modify not only volume but also other effects like cut-off.  As I read in instruction there is a possibility to modify velocity into another CC. How about two or more effects at the same time? For example velocity change to cut off, after touch to distortion, modulation to resonance, pitchbend another FX - is t possible? At the same time "real" pitch bend should be turned off to not change pitch. 
This is work around for arturia beatstep, beatstep pro, keystep, keystep pro which not record cc layer (but velocity) and access to control knobs are limited to "control mode". This will allow *much* more possibilities during jam. Some synth can't assign parameters related to velocity etc so it could be great if we can assign more than one param. 

Can't wait for ordered MRCC Wink

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  Advice to new customers in the US: Pay for faster shipping!
Posted by: Alan - 03-28-2021, 09:27 AM - Forum: General Support - Replies (6)

I went with the SF Express shipping because the nice discount on shipping from Conductive Labs covered nearly the entire cost of shipping. Take my advice: Don't do this.

Now, don't get me wrong. I have no doubts that SF Express as a shipping company will deliver when they said they would. But that's the problem: I am going nuts with anticipation over how long it takes. 

If you're like me, which is to say it is difficult for you to be patient once you've decided you need the NDLR, spring for the extra shipping costs.  Smile

I've waited two weeks already, and there is another two weeks to go. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

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  Clock out stuck at 30 or 300 BMP
Posted by: zarar - 03-27-2021, 11:58 AM - Forum: MIDI Connectivity - Replies (3)


Just got my NDLR and started playing around with it, so far so great when triggering my different synths.
However, when i try to get clock out to my drum machines, the clock they receive is either stuck at 300 BMP (if i use USB) or 30 BMP (if using DIN5 midi).

My setup is as follows:

NDLR -> RK006 -> Analog4, MachineDrum, Xbase09, Tanzmaus etc.

Is there a clock multiplier or divider for the clock being sent out that i've missed in the settings?

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  How does the rotation algorithm work?
Posted by: Hoogerj - 03-26-2021, 06:59 AM - Forum: General Support - Replies (7)


Is there anyone who can tell me more about the 'rotation algorithm'-feature? It's under [shift+menu] encoder 2. But I haven't got a clue.

I already posted this in the advanced features-section of this forum, but it's a little quiet down there.



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Lightbulb More Robust Pad Quantization Features and other Pad upgrades.
Posted by: Ghostz_of_Moar - 03-26-2021, 06:25 AM - Forum: Feature Requests - No Replies

A. Currently Pad quantization has 3 settings. 

 1/4, 1/8, none

Could this be expanded to : 

1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/6, 1/8, 1/12, 1/16, 1/24, 1/32.... none

without compromising the overall integrity/stability of the operating system?
(actually hopefully improving the stability/integrity of the operation system...)

I am requesting this because while I have found more stability with pad quantization set to 1/8th for use with the MV8800...this makes it much harder to trigger a chord on a triplet....and the current CC assignment has 3 integer values for 128 available integers...So by expanding the pallet of quantization and letting us "stick shift" the values via automation via external sequencers...it could be a win/win solution that is not too hard to realize.

B. Max pad voice limit to range... Currently if we raise the spread, it has a direct effect on the amount of voices used...I thought it would be nice to perhaps have a "range within" function...so triggering the pad with a limit of (x) voices...could be distributes across a wide range without trigger a hole heap of notes...but would "pick" them out of the range in either a random or predetermined format that was kept to (x) as the pad voice limit.

I am requesting this because triggering 14 voices at once is cool for some patches but sometimes unnecessary because it can cloud the frequency lanes as we use different synth patches...resulting in a muddier mix to manage...I love having lots of voices...but the range is what decides how many are triggered, it seems.

C. Pad Strum (direction) , Pad Strum (skip), Pad Strum (carry over):

Pad Strum (Direction): up, down, SeeSaw(up then down), Random.(the direction options would be added to the current midi cc assignment)...and triggered each time Pad is triggered.

Pad Strum (Skip) : there is a probability variable assigned to the Pad...for sparse, happenstance notes being struck...providing a different way to achieve generative tones, passing notes and embellishments.

Pad Strum (Carry over/Cascade): If a Pad is hit before a strum is finished completing itself, could a "carry over" variable be applied for a specific interval of BPM time(1/2,1/4,1/8 note)...so they could "cascade"?

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  MIdi Controlling Display
Posted by: jessiaguilera - 03-25-2021, 06:43 PM - Forum: Feature Requests - No Replies

Hi Everyone,

Great and amazing product first of all. I hope the development continues because this little box is a keeper regardless of how bad my gas is.

I don't know if this is intentional or possible but when I send midi signals with my controller, it would be great if it would switch to the screen that corresponds with what your controlling. Although I have a Novation Remote SL25 and it allows me to label things well, I still find myself wanting to reference the NDLR screen ... 

Also related, I don't know if the USB portion could be used like this, but would it be possible to have a IPAD serve as a screen for the NDLR? It's soooo small!!!!

Thanks again!

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  NDLR Library - UPDATE 1.0.4 Windows
Posted by: Royce - 03-23-2021, 09:59 PM - Forum: General Support - Replies (13)

Hi all,

I have released an updated version (1.0.4) of the Library Program and I highly recommend you grab it.
Lots of bug fixes and a few new features.
You will need NDLR firmware, at least, version 1.1.078 
Windows is first OS to be completed, with Linux and Mac to follow.


The Mac version 1.0.3 is now released. 

I am not really a Mac user so if things are weird, please let me know.

I am grateful for the feed back from some Mac users.

I am still really looking forward for any Mac people to let me know of any problems and 'undocumented features'.

A user tells me that the new Apple Silicon DOES work, but you need to use at least version 1.0.3 of the NDLR Library which is up on the web site now.

There is a user said it is working on Mojave (OSX 10.14 I believe)

The program was developed on El Capitan OSX 10.11.6 using the Cocoa interface and is a 64bit program.

That being said, my Mac is a Mac Mini from 10 years ago and the only other thing I have to test it on is a MacBook Air from 2012 that also has El Capitain on it.

Please let me know if it is working on anything else.

I will start looking at the new bug fix versions for Win and Linux and release the v1.0.1 for them in a short while.

PLEASE let me know how you get on (good or bad).

Perhaps a PM would be best.

All the best


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Bug Pattern editor and midi input : Pg 46 of the manual
Posted by: Ghostz_of_Moar - 03-23-2021, 08:29 PM - Forum: General Support - No Replies

NoteOn messages from a keyboard controller will also change the Step values when in the Pattern Editor. Each key press will also advance the Step one position and wrap at the end of the set Pattern Length. Note NoteOn messages must be received on The NDLR’s MIDI Control channel (Settings 1 menu) on any port (5 Pin or USB).

Ok for me this is a conflict of interest and I would like know how to turn this functionality off ASAP(please). I can program that ish via the interface and if I was to use an external controller it would be on a separate control channel(not the one I use to trigger chord changes).

We have a dedicated NDLR control channel that we use to choose the chords I-VII...which is the C-B key. 

Why would we use that same channel to program notes into a Motif’s melodic sequencer line? 

Please...help me understand. 

If I’m using an external controller and sequencer to select which chord at which time then I myself never need that control channel and those note on/offs reserved for chord selection to be used as step programming note values in the motifs sequencers.

Usage case(just so we are clear on the chain of events):

Chord progression is set in the external sequencer.

User has chords and timing on pad track(from external sequencer). 

User starts the motif...enters in to edit aforementioned motif.

At first motif plays as expected...until note on/off overrides values and then steps forward to next value....

What user actually really wanted to do was to have the pad and the motif(s) play into the same midi channel and edit the motifs because they knew they would embellish the pad track.

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  Arp Velocity
Posted by: House de Kris - 03-22-2021, 02:42 PM - Forum: Feature Requests - Replies (1)

I know the Arp screen is full, but if you could figure out how to add velocity control, that would be cool. Even a simple field, "Vel:" would be nice. The value could be standard MIDI range of 1-127, and "Played." The Played option would allow dynamics in the arp by passing along whatever velocity was used when instantiating the note. Right now it seems to always spit out 120 for the velocity. I can't figure out how to route this through a MOD to change the velocity, either.


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