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Channel mod - route to al...
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MIDI routing to >2 destin...
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New extras - Use CV clock...
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07-19-2024, 07:28 AM
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New input routing functio...
Forum: MRCC Feature Requests
Last Post: RadekPilich
07-19-2024, 07:07 AM
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  Display rotation for vertical placement
Posted by: RadekPilich - Yesterday, 12:00 PM - Forum: MRCC Feature Requests - No Replies

This might be a stupid idea, anyways as I am struggling a bit with where to place the MRCC, I would at least theoretically welcome the ability to rotate the display 90 degrees to be able to read and control it comfortably in case the unit is placed / mounted vertically.

Obviously if the screen is not regular square with same horizontal and vertical resolution then it's a no-go, but if x=y, then maybe the display could be rotated via firmware?

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  New extras - MIDI cable tester
Posted by: RadekPilich - 07-24-2024, 03:59 PM - Forum: MRCC Feature Requests - Replies (1)

Sometimes something doesn't work and it makes no sense unless the cable must be broken. 

New extras function would allow to specify input and output DIN ports and then send data from the output and evaluate if it is received at the input correctly, or if the data didn't make it through the cable.

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  MIDI routing to >2 destinations breaks sysex transfer
Posted by: Red_Hector - 07-23-2024, 02:27 PM - Forum: Hardware MIDI Connectivity - Replies (3)

I tried a simple test today of routing a one-way sysex bank dump though the MRCC (MIDI In 1 to MIDI Out 5) to a Roland D-550.

The bank was being sent from a PC using Bome SendSX software, routed out the MIDI DIN port of a RME UFX II -> MRCC In 1.
MRCC MIDI out 5 was cabled to the D-550.

The bank dump was transmitted successfully when MIDI IN 1 was routed just to out 5. It It also worked when it was routed to outs 5 and 6.

But, if I route MIDI In 1 to three outputs, (5, 6 & 7), the bank receive on the D-550 will fail with a 'MIDI communication error' message on the D-550 screen. The other synths on outputs 6 & 7 were turned off.

Obviously this is early testing with just one receiving device. But, this leads me to believe that the MRCC is possibly unable to reliably route sysex simultaneously to more than two output destinations. 

If this is true, it is going to make me have to use many work arounds, and possibly be quite limiting on how I use different sysex librarians and editors, whether on PC, Patchbase on Ipad routed through PC rptMIDI, or from my Electra One. I have around ten hardware synths that need to be controlled, many from multiple sources.

One answer is to use a PC virtual MIDI cable for each controller/synth combo, but this increases the complexity of my set-up a lot, and will be a pain to set up.

Has anyone else here experienced unreliable sysex when routing through the MRCC to more more than one or two outputs?

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  New extras - Use CV clock out as gate out
Posted by: RadekPilich - 07-19-2024, 07:28 AM - Forum: MRCC Feature Requests - No Replies

This would be useful to for example trigger external filter envelopes from a midi keyboard being used to play a synth routed through that filter. 

Would implement that as new EXTRAS screen with selection for MIDI input and MIDI channel + electric properties of the CV signal.

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  New input routing functions - mute / solo
Posted by: RadekPilich - 07-19-2024, 07:07 AM - Forum: MRCC Feature Requests - No Replies

Mute / solo for routings should work in relation to a single input port. They should be remotely controllable, possibly via note on/off messages.

This would be useful for example when having a single "universal controller" input (i.e. Faderfox EC4, Electra One, or simply a master keyboard controller) with configurations for multiple devices with overlapping midi channels that are spread across multiple outputs, where the channels are obviously not overlapping on a single output (i.e. 50 channels on 4 outs, with most of them being utilized on 3 or 4 ports, each for a different device).

So when having devices on 4 outputs and having all those outputs mapped to the controller input, it would be possible to remotely from the controller itself mute the routings to the outputs 1-3 and only control devices on output 4 until deciding it's time to control devices on output 2 and soloing that routing.

I realize this could be accomplished by manually creating and removing routings and / or by having multiple presets and toggling between them, but for my case, that seems much more complicated then being able to solo / mute routings remotely ideally while having a visual feedback on the MRCC LEDs.

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  Explain LED lights animations
Posted by: RadekPilich - 07-19-2024, 06:40 AM - Forum: General Support - Replies (1)

Can you please explain LED lights animations to me? 

Where can I see the effect?

If I try to set them as activity / note monitor, I don't see any change.

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  New out port function - thru group
Posted by: RadekPilich - 07-19-2024, 06:28 AM - Forum: MRCC Feature Requests - No Replies

This function should make it possible to use some out port(s) - for example 11+12 to output the same output as the primary group out port, for example 1. To keep things simple, I would not allow additional routing and merging on these thru ports initially, just give us an easy way to set some out(s) to output the same data as on the group's primary out, while setting all the routing, remapping etc  only once on the primary out and then have MRCC automatically "channel" that out to the thru out(s), hopefully without taking as much resources as separate routing would take.

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  New settings screen - clock & transport source priority
Posted by: RadekPilich - 07-19-2024, 06:14 AM - Forum: MRCC Feature Requests - No Replies

This would be useful for setups, where you don't always power up all your gear. 

The setting screen should provide ordered list of 3-5  selectable inputs, that would be cross-checked at all times (or by some refresh soft button action) and only the clock and transport from the highest active input would be passed through to the routings.

The clocks and transport messages from the other inputs on the list would be filtered out.

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  Block / Kill Specified MIDI channels
Posted by: RadekPilich - 07-15-2024, 02:34 PM - Forum: MRCC Advanced Configuration - No Replies

I have a keyboard poly synth as one of the inputs and also one of the synths on one of the outs dedicated to a bunch of poly synths.

I can easily change global channel on the keyboard and play all the other poly synths.

I want to prevent MIDI loopback on the keyboard synth though, block its channel in the routing.

I know I can remap the channel to channel 16 and use it as a dump, but I would rather not waste usable channel and not send unnecessary messages in the MIDI data stream.

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  MRCC Availability?
Posted by: photosinferno - 07-07-2024, 03:18 PM - Forum: General Support - Replies (1)

Was just wondering when some more MRCC units and accessories will be making their way out into the wild ?

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