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  Delete User patch
Posted by: MickG - 08-25-2021, 11:02 AM - Forum: General Support - No Replies

Is it possible to delete a User patch, remove all its labels, I/O routing, etc. and have it resume a red label, instead of green?

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  Factory Labels
Posted by: MickG - 08-25-2021, 10:45 AM - Forum: MRCC Feature Requests - Replies (1)

Hi - can I re-state a request from another user?

I'd like to be able to remove the Factory Labels from the Labels list (whilst assigning labels).


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  MRCC Assign Labels
Posted by: MickG - 08-25-2021, 09:52 AM - Forum: MRCC Feature Requests - Replies (7)

Hi - the MRCC is fantastic!

Can you please extend the Assign Labels function to include the Remote7 I/O ?

Thanks, Mick

Having played around with label assignment, I've realised that the assignments are User patch specific, i.e. if you load User 1, then make I/O label assignments, they will all revert to 'none' if you load a different patch, e.g. User 2. If you re-load User 1, the assignments are back as they were.

Surely the label assignment is a global function, and would be better if not tied to User patches? I can see the reasoning behind making them User patch specific, i.e. you might need a completely different set of label assignments if you re-arrange your MIDI gear, so you just save User 1 as User 2 and re-assign the labels in a different arrangement from User 1.

OK - but what if you want to keep your current MIDI gear as is, keep the label assignments, but set up a different set of I/O routing patches and save them as an alternative User patch?

The only way to do this would be to load User patch 1 (having made new label assignments), then cancel all the I/O routing, then set up different routing. Then you would save that to User patch 2.

Both patches would share the same label assignments, but with differing I/O routing.

But...how can you easily clear all I/O routing? I've looked in the manual but I can't find any mention of how to clear all I/O routing patches (...or am I missing something?).

I think we need another Shift+button function for clearing routing (please).

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  Shouting in a Vacuum
Posted by: Thark - 08-24-2021, 08:04 AM - Forum: Show me what you got! - Replies (2)

Here's a collection of tunes that I just released on Soundcloud. Tunes 3, 6 and 7 make extensive use of the NDLR.




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  ARGGH - never an evening where everything works/Remote
Posted by: Nelson Baboon - 08-23-2021, 03:33 PM - Forum: General Support - Replies (8)

OK. Today's issue.

I have 2 MRCCs. They are connected via the ethernet cable. Everything was working between the 2 last night.

Today, the indicator for the remote connection (the Y in the upper right) was lit up on MRCC#1, but grayed out on the #2. OK.....

not sure what was going on. Went in and toggled the remote settings (was set up to use the remote with new ports, but not sure how this should work with 2 MRCCs). After toggling this, the indicator is now bright.

But I still cannot make the remote connection. This is between din ports, and thus far this has seemed to work easily, but not today. I select the midi din in #1, and click the Y....but pressing the din out #9 does not do anything at all. I can press a lower numbered port (up through #5) but above that nothing at all happens. I'm at a loss. I'm confident by just doing this over and over and over, at some point it will work, but I'm getting more and more confident that sometimes the shit just does not work, and I just don't know what causes it first not to work, and then to work.

it's so frustrating because I'm at the point where I can set up connections and use other options (was sending midi clock between units yesterday, etc) without thinking. And then I reach these impasses where something easy just does not work.

I also saved to user preset 1, and reloaded, but not all of the din connections were there.

ok. it turns out that #1 had crashed. Beautiful. Rebooted it, and now I can make the connection. But this leads to another question. In addition to losing connections when I power cycle the MRCC, i notice that on #2, if I save to user #1, it comes back up and I see "loading" user 1. On the first unit, when I save as user #1, it comes back up and says that it's loading the factory preset. Why would this be?

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  Channel Modifier improvements
Posted by: Joris Röling - 08-23-2021, 12:32 PM - Forum: General Support - Replies (2)

Hi Conductive labs,

I was Kickstarter backer number 39, and I received it and I have been enjoying the MRCC for the last 2 months.
And really, I'm a happy camper. The feature request below is not because I see the MRCC as unusable, but because it could be a lot better with (I think) some small effort.

So, I have this urgent feature request to be made on the "Channel Modifier", but first some background:

Before I was using a iConnectivityMIDI4+ which worked fine, except it didn't do filtering of MIDI events per connection, but per either IN-port or OUT-port, meaning it was more of a all-or-nothing situation, and that bugged me. So that is a major plus of the MRCC. Of coarse the many more DIN ports is also nice. But I wanted to tell you about, as I see it, a serious omission: The MRCC is very much a port router, and less of a per-channel router. For all things non-channel related (Clock & SysEx) that is fine, but most of the many little devices use at most a few (often just one) channel, but with the MRCC as it is, one must continue bombarding them with all the un-needed MIDI channels. The reason is because of the sparse channel filtering. There is this "Channel Modifier", and in essence that one would do the job, but it is limited to 4 channels only, can be 'exclusive', but this would not allow for (say) 5 or more channels to be remapped. Modifying here is always assigning it another channel, but is never 'filtering', and (as said) limited to only 4 channels. Further more, only 6 (!) of those modifiers can be used in the entire MRCC. They can be re-used, but I have not come a cross that use case at all. (For the record, my MRCC's connections are maxed out, and consider this setup as making full use of what the MRCC has to offer)

The following would lift this MRCC limitation in my view:

- Either have a Channel Modifier per connection (best option), or raise the amount of them (20 or so would do it for me)
- Have the Channel Modifier remap all 16 possible MIDI channels (current 4 is very arbitrary and too small a number). The 'exclusive' option is not needed anymore.
- Allow this remap targets to be "Off" or "None", so that you can affectively filter out specific channel data.

So, the above suggestion would make the MRCC a channel router instead of just a port router. A huge improvement in my view. (Hope you agree).

Some other stuff, I think would increase the MRCC's use (but has been talked about elsewhere here on this forum):
- SysEx filtering per connection
- USB host ports 4 in/4 out (instead of current 4 in/1 out)
- Backup entire setup to PC (over SysEx for example)

But I'd really like to end here with a statement of praise: the MRCC is a great device! I use it daily, its the MIDI center of my studio, and it holds up to most of my expectations. (And there is no alternative I know of)

Hope you will consider my recommendations.


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  Problem whack-a-mole with NDLR
Posted by: natehorn - 08-23-2021, 12:48 AM - Forum: General Support - Replies (9)

I'm beginning to become a little frustrated with NDLR as I keep encountering issues which seem like bugs.

Instead of making music I've spent my whole morning playing whack-a-mole with NDLR, it seems with every restart one problem goes away and another one surfaces.

Firstly USB MIDI data wasn't leaving the NDLR at all - I fiddled, restarted and the only thing that resolved the issue was loading an init style save, which although had all the same midi settings (i double checked) seemed to magically fix the issue.

Then my pad wasn't working correctly, with the MIDI data the NDLR giving me being several octaves too low and needing to be transposed to even be audible. I randomly hit one of the chord change buttons which fixed this issue - seems that the pad somehow slipped into its own lane.

Carry on with my creative persuits, get a decent groove going but now I find that one of my motiffs isn't changing with chord changes. Everything else is but 1 motiff plays exactly the same notes whatever chord cahnge button I press. Restart NDLR and this problem goes away.

I really love what this device can do but I'm finding my first week is filled with trouble-shooting, stuck midi notes, software bugs and the need to constantly restart NDLR to see if issues go away.

Bit gutted tbh - is this a similar experience to what others have?

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  Keith McMillen K-Mix?
Posted by: kshep - 08-22-2021, 11:40 PM - Forum: Hardware MIDI Connectivity - Replies (1)

So the K-Mix is a neat little programmable digital mixer with a ton of inputs, outputs and routing options all in a compact package with no moving parts. The faders and "knobs" are all touch sensitive strips and pads... which is probably the biggest complaint about the device. However, you can control it via MIDI... which has me wondering if it could be paired with something like a Novation Launch Control XL for more traditional physical controls. The trick is getting two USB MIDI devices to talk to each other... sooooo.... Enter MRCC.

I spent some time reading docs and trying to get this to work, but I'm having trouble with the K-Mix that feels like it might make it a dead end...

When you plug the K-Mix into a Mac (it's class compliant) three different virtual ports show up on the Mac: Audio Control, Expander, and Control Surface. In order to remotely control the faders and what not you need to send MIDI to the Audio Control port. You can do that from your DAW or other tools on the Mac/PC, but I'm wondering if the MRCC is smart enough to handle it too.

Anyone else messed around with a K-Mix or have any insights?

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  Clock divider
Posted by: Flounderguts - 08-22-2021, 07:13 PM - Forum: MRCC Feature Requests - Replies (5)

I'd love to be able to multiply or divide the PPQ clock per MIDI port, or even per channel. Currently I can do this on my modular, but it would be nice to implement different clock speeds, locked to a master tempo that is either the onboard clock or an input. If there were options to divide or mult by odd numbers as well as even, then the functionality would be even better. 


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  disconnecting a remote connection
Posted by: Nelson Baboon - 08-21-2021, 04:55 PM - Forum: General Support - Replies (1)

hmmmm. i've had great success in the last few days and have had no problems setting up what to me are complicated connections, using the computer ports, and connecting remotely to a second mrcc.

But occasionally I still run into issues, and I have yet to find the answer to this in the manual (which doesn't mean that it isn't in an obvious space).

I set up a connection from the usb host port #1 on my first mrcc to the din out #5 on the second one. I need to remove that connection, but I'm not seeing how to do it. I see the yellow led indicating the connection that I can also hear, but pressing the button again doesn't remove it. Shouldn't it just be removed like any other connection? (I'm sure i can get around it because i didn't save it, and I can power cycle or reload the preset, but what am I missing?)

hmmm - fiddled with it a bit, and the yellow light went out as did the connection, but i don't know what i did! I must be missing something in the logic of the connections.

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