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  2 x MRCC Configuration Question
Posted by: nexgenmusic - 08-07-2022, 01:58 PM - Forum: General Support - Replies (7)


I have a question regarding if it is possible to route hardware synth midi (via 5pin) to the PC/DAW from a 2nd MRCC (as follower) over to a 1st MRCC (as leader connected directly to the PC)? Both MRCCs are connected bi-directionally via the ethernet. I have prepared a quick diagram to explain such a scenario. I would rather not have to plug the 2nd MRCC into the PC if I don't have too.


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  DAW connection got me all wonky
Posted by: Donic Dawkins - 08-04-2022, 06:15 PM - Forum: Computer MIDI Connectivity - Replies (2)

Been happily using the MRCC for few months in a DAW-less setup (just hardware synths and sequencer).   

Trying for last few days (unsuccessfully) to connect the MRCC to a Microsoft surface tablet running Bitwig to use it as a sequencer for all that aforementioned hardware.

Bitwig sees the MRCC fine.  Tablet is connected via USB cable directly to the PC input on the MRCC.  MRCC inputs show up in Bitwig.  

Admittedly I don't know Bitwig very well yet, but I can select a hardware midi device, assign it to any of the MRCC ports, press the "keyboard" in Bitwig and see flashing symbols next to the hardware midi device graphic to indicate that MIDI is being sent out, and yet - nothing happens on the MRCC.  Not a glimmer, or blip.

Been looking through the forum here, think I'm correct in understanding that 

1) I could chose any of the MRCC ports listed in Bitwig, as long as I select the right physical output port on the MRCC that corresponds to the synthesizer I'm trying to trigger.   For example,  I have a Sonicware Liven 8bit Warps synth connected to Output 8 on the MRCC.   I select the left button under the PC USB input and then select the button under Output 8 - and it stays lit.  

In Bitwig, I could choose any of the ports listed?  or do I choose Port 8?  I've tried both and neither work, nothing happens.  

Also, do I need to set the midi receive channel on the synth to correspond to anything?   Admittedly trying to integrate with a DAW has got my head messed up, it all made sense without the DAW, but I came to the realization that my sequencer (Korg SQ64) truly sucks so I don't want to work with it anymore.

Any help is greatly appreciated,

cheers - M

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  Filtering out the 'play' command...
Posted by: Mick_D - 08-03-2022, 02:45 PM - Forum: MRCC Advanced Configuration - No Replies

I know I'vfe watched a video on how I can filter out the 'play' and 'stop' commands on synths that have them, but I can't find it. I have a Yamaha DTXM-12 drum machine that will start playing its demo sequence when I'm trying to play a sequence from the Synthstrom Deluge, and My Juno DS, which is on an entirely different channel, will play its drums split on the exact same clip . I think I can filter out the play command on the DTX,  if I can find that video....
The Roland may be something else, I can't seem to find in the manuakl how to stop listening on every channel but the one I assign it to.

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  Transpose - more than an octave
Posted by: oldgearguy - 08-02-2022, 11:44 AM - Forum: MRCC Feature Requests - Replies (3)

Is there any technical reason why the Transpose is limited to +/- 12?

In the interests of efficiency (laziness) it would be great if I could use one MOD and have 2 or more octaves of transpose.
Part of the reason is this (bear with me) - the MIDI standard says middle C is raw number 60.  What it does NOT say is whether 60 is C3, C4, or C5.

It depends of course on whether the device starts numbering octaves from C0, C -1, or C- 2.
I have one sequencer that uses a default note value of C3.  Most of the synths it talks to sound better when it's set to C5.  If I could drop a 2 octave transpose on the MRCC for that route, I can make small tweaks on the sequencer without having to go into every step of every track and adjust it up 2 octaves.

I also have a special case where I need between 51 and 58 semitones of transpose and I hate using up most of the MOD slots just transposing.

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  The MRCC or MioXL...
Posted by: mcmac72 - 08-02-2022, 05:16 AM - Forum: General Support - Replies (3)

This might be a controversial thread because I am not sure on the policy on comparing competitors, but I would rather have upfront information going into a purchase than be let down afterwards.
I am in need of a midi hub but I’m torn between what is possible and my current/future needs.

Potentially I will need 8 inputs (3 usb)

⁃            Computer (Mac OSX)
⁃            MPC Live X
⁃            MidiKeyboard/Synth 1
⁃            Synth  2 - Polybrute (aftertouch, MPE etc)
⁃            Digitakt 
⁃            keystep pro
⁃            Ipad 
⁃            SQ5 Mixer (Mackie control, don’t mind plugging straight into laptop, but it would be wonderful if it could go via hub)
Depending on the capabilities of the midi router, and how easy it is to change channels… I can probably ditch the key step pro as it is limited to 3/4 channels and the sequencing would be possible on the poly brute.
 And the iPad is like a “would be nice to have” feature in order to control midi remotely in the network

Then with outputs, I have drum machines, synth modules and FX racks

10 midi outputs (3 or 4 have usb too)
2 usb only (op-1 and Elektron heat)
7 remote/sync only FX rack units/guitar pedals
Plus we also have the devices connected to the inputs, which from the looks of it can all be hooked up via USB, but if not, could potentially take my outputs from 19 to 24
I don’t see me needing any more than this as everything else would be in 1 in 1 out in terms of future buys and I have come down to the MRCC and the MioXL
I want to be able to master my setup from any of the input devices for dawless or daw driven control with little or no latency
 I like to record midi and audio on my DAW (I have a Mac OS) simultaneously 
I would also like to be cheeky and do some sequencing using controllers such as the Digitakt and key step pro which have their own routing capabilities

Also, are there any features I may not be explicitly aware about that I could benefit from? at most my experience is with a midi thru box 

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  BUG - not all channels transposing
Posted by: oldgearguy - 08-01-2022, 12:35 PM - Forum: MRCC Advanced Configuration - Replies (10)

My goal - input notes on DIN In 1, output same notes transposed 3 octaves higher on DIN Out 2.  Do this for all channels being sent from DIN In 1.

Set up Transpose MOD, any channel, +12
Insert 3 copies of TR 1 into route from DIN In 1 to DIN Out 2
Observe that channels 1-5 transpose correctly, channels 6-8 does not transpose.  

If I do just 1 transpose, channels 1-7 transpose an octave and 8 does not.
insert TP1 twice and channels 1-6 transpose and 7,8 do not.

This is kind of annoying and I really needed this functionality.
OS version 1.1.052

Have not tested channels 9-16 yet, but would assume they need attention as well.

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  AC power adapter for NDLR
Posted by: Hudndlr - 07-31-2022, 02:10 PM - Forum: General Support - Replies (1)

Hi, I did a search but could not find anything on this. 
If anyone is using an AC power adapter with USB for NDLR please let me know the spec or grateful if you post a link, eg, amazon or the website you purchased it from. 
Thanks much!

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  Delete all routes
Posted by: oldgearguy - 07-30-2022, 02:09 PM - Forum: MRCC Advanced Configuration - Replies (2)

In the past month+, all of my issues (and the vast majority of the issues I've helped with) really came down to misconfiguration.

I've been burned by a route I had set up from PC port 5 to DIN output 7 (for example).  You cannot see all the routes unless you purposefully step through each and every input.

I'd love a menu option in the last config menus that had two check boxes - delete all filtering and delete all routes.  You could double guard it -- Press shift+black Enter,  "Are you sure?" press shift+black enter.

This would only clear out what's in memory; not delete port names, filter/mod configs that are defined but not used.
Basically set it to a blank slate for troubleshooting.  If a user wanted to save that config for a blank starting preset, they could do that.

In all likelihood, this would really help with the user satisfaction and cut down on trouble calls because if you can start clean, you should hear/see nothing and then build it up one piece at a time to narrow down the problem.

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  Merging MRCC inputs
Posted by: MickG - 07-30-2022, 05:14 AM - Forum: MRCC Advanced Configuration - Replies (2)

If you patch two MIDI sources into MRCC input 1, one of them connected to the TRS jack and the other connected to the MIDI connector, what happens to the two streams of MIDI data? 

Are they merged, and then treated as a single source of MIDI data?

If the two sources of MIDI data have been sent on different MIDI channels, could the combined MIDI data stream be sent to a single MRCC MIDI out, and thence to two MIDI devices, and would this enable the separation of the two original MIDI data streams by selecting the appropriate MIDI channels on the receiving MIDI devices?

Or is this wishful thinking?

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  te most basic connection with these pieces
Posted by: GlennUndergrond - 07-28-2022, 09:59 PM - Forum: General Support - Replies (1)

i just want to know how to use the MRCC with an Akai MPC X and Ableton, also Logic Pro, can someone brief me please?

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