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  Edit configuration via computer?
Posted by: vitaminman12 - 06-11-2022, 11:41 PM - Forum: General Support - Replies (2)


I'm really enjoying my new MRCC, it's become a real Swiss Army knife for my setup.

The one thing I would love to be able to do is edit its configuration over a PC; either directly through some program, or by editing some TXT or XML file.

Is this possible? 



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  old synths with editors
Posted by: Nelson Baboon - 06-09-2022, 04:09 PM - Forum: Hardware MIDI Connectivity - Replies (6)

i guess this is somewhat of a rhetorical question, in that i think i know the answer - but maybe there is an easy solution, or maybe i'm missing something.

old synth (waldorf q) with no usb port. I've owned one before and like to use an editor with it. But using an editor needs to have a direct connection to the computer, and i need to dig out my old midi interface for this. But then, it starts getting more complicated to connect using my mrcc - would have to go to the computer port, and hope that this works simultaneously with the editor. Not in the mood for frustrating attempts at setup right now.

Does anyone else have an old synth like this where they like to use a computer editor for the editing? For now, i'll use the front panel I guess.

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  Question regarding Aftertouch routing
Posted by: Winky - 06-09-2022, 04:04 AM - Forum: General Support - No Replies

(First time post; apologies in advance if this is not the correct sub-forum).

I'm contemplating the purchase of an MRCC.  One of the functions I'd need it to do is to take an incoming MIDI input from a CC (probably either Mod Wheel or an assigned slider/knob) and output it as an Aftertouch control.

Perusing the manual it looks it's it's trivial to go in the opposite direction (i.e. to take an Aftertouch input and remap it to CC 0 to 127 (Page 31, under the "CC from (tab-stop)" heading), but the "to" destinations only appear to be CC 0-127, not Velocity or Aftertouch.

Is this just an omission in the manual?  Any way around it?  It's a deal breaker for me, as I have a Prophet-6 desktop unit that wants to see an AT message for a variety of modulation options, but I'd like have other control sources instead.

Thanks in advance for any help/clarification.

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  trying to figure out if m-audio mini-32 mk3 works
Posted by: Nelson Baboon - 06-06-2022, 08:57 PM - Forum: Hardware MIDI Connectivity - Replies (8)

i haven't been using usb connections of late (mostly because i no longer have the devices that i set up that way).

seems pretty simple. I tested this keyboard connected to the mac usb and my midi monitor shows that it is sending out midi data. I connect it to mrcc, and the mrcc powers it up. I connect the usb cable to the usb a port. i hold the in button and select port 1 for it. I then choose the output din port to receive the midi. Nothing. I have one synth that has a midi monitor on it - it verifies that nothing is being sent. am i forgetting something about the connections?

i figured that this would work because it's big brother (forget what length keyboard) is touted as working in the section about usb compatibility.

Edit: i couldn't believe that it was the logic of my connections....so i noticed in the thread about devices that worked, that the norand mono works with usb.  connected that into the usb a port. nothing. note that in my testing of the keyboard, i power cycled the mrcc to no effect. ok - i checked my connections over and this should work. Power cycled the mrcc and voila - the norand then sent out midi through the mrcc. plugged in the keyboard. nothing. power cycled the mrcc again, and now the keyboard is working. not sure why it didn't at first, despite power cycling the mrcc. but it does seem to work, so my cheap little keyboard can be used.

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  How do I get more DIN inputs and outputs?
Posted by: cowboy - 06-06-2022, 11:22 AM - Forum: Hardware MIDI Connectivity - No Replies

I have a large studio with a TON of synths, and I'm trying to figure out how to get more I/O from a MRCC.

1. Can I use a Midihub (or other similar USB MIDI device with 4 virtual cables) connected to an MRCC USB A port to add 4 ins and 4 outs? This thread suggests that I can get 4 inputs but only 1 output, but that thread is also from last year, so I don't know what may have changed since then.
2. If MRCC has only 1 output per USB MIDI connection, and that USB MIDI connection has multiple virtual cables, does MRCC broadcast all MIDI data routed to that USB port to all virtual cables?
3. Is there a schematic for the MRCC Remote 7? The functionality might work for me, but I will need to mount it in a 1U rack, so I'll possibly want to DIY something.

Note: I've considered using 2x MRCC but per the responses in this thread it doesn't look like that approach will work for me, because I won't be able to physically access the second MRCC to route its inputs because of where its location would be in my studio.

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Lightbulb Hydrasynth Deluxe as controller through MRCC questions please
Posted by: dma550x - 06-06-2022, 06:12 AM - Forum: Hardware MIDI Connectivity - Replies (4)

Hi there!  I am a new Hydrasynth deluxe owner, former HS desktop owner.  Hoping to hear from someone here with real HS deluxe or HS Keys experience.

I have a bunch of knob per function analog modules I use too and would love the deluxe to be my main controller.  I am not fond of null patches, fiddling with settings/volumes, changing midi, etc.  

I am considering an MRCC.  The thought is to route midi TX to IN from the HS keybed on the MRCC and then have a flexible out as to where to send midi via all my other destinations.  This would work, and it seems as if I can also turn off local on the HS deluxe and make it's IN ad RX#3 a destination I can switch to on the MRCC.  I mocked this up with my keystep and I was able to control the HS from the keystep while the keybed of the HS controlled a roland module.  My question:  If I do this, and essentially break the local connection internally, and map it through Midi RX/TX through the MRCC,will all other HS functions work, like MPE, ribbon, poly aftertouch etc? 

Thank you!  This thing looks like the answer to all my challenges so I have fingers crossed and one in my cart!

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  How does routing work with 2 MRCCs?
Posted by: cowboy - 06-03-2022, 12:36 PM - Forum: MRCC Advanced Configuration - Replies (6)

I see this in the manual:

Quote:MRCC-to-MRCC “remote” connection

Two MRCCs can connect to each other via the RJ45 cable. When 2 MRCCs are connected they will auto detect each other and the “=Y” icon in the upper right corner of the screen will illuminate.

The MRCC-to-MRCC connection extends the number of out-ports by 12x 5-pin + 4x USB Host + 1 USB device ports on the connected MRCC. In order to route MIDI messages to an extended out-port press and hold the “Y” button, then select the desired out-port. This mode works the same way routing MRCC out-ports but with Yellow LEDs (not blue). Press and hold the “Y” button while on the Activity screen and it will say “REMOTE” and show all the remote routings in yellow. Press and hold the “Y” button while on the Routing screen and it you will see that the out-port names are prefixed with an “r” i.e. “1 -> r4

This mentions out ports, but what about input ports? A single MRCC doesn't have enough inputs for me, so I'd like to have more. Is there any way for one MRCC (on my desk, for example) to utilize the inputs of a second MRCC (in a rack across the room) for routing?

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Question Connecting Bluebox USB host port to MRCC "PC" USB port?
Posted by: pascal01 - 06-03-2022, 06:57 AM - Forum: Hardware MIDI Connectivity - Replies (5)

I'm considering buying an MRCC for the following scenario, but I'm not sure if it will work:

In my current setup I have a Novation Launch Control XL mk II (LCXL) connected via USB cable to the USB host port of the 1010music Bluebox (BB), which allows me to adjust settings on the BB using the LCXL.

I would like to use the LCXL to also control other hardware (on different MIDI channels) at the same time however (e.g. using LCXL's user templates), but the Bluebox seems to be unable to forward the LCXL's MIDI messages to other gear via BB's MIDI OUT port. I figured this is where the MRCC would be able to help.

Would it be possible to:

1. connect the LCXL to the MRCC on a USB host port
2. connect the Bluebox's USB host port to MRCC's "PC" USB port
3. make a routing between the LCXL, the Bluebox, and other MIDI gear attached to the MRCC?

I'm pretty confident that step 1 will be OK, as the MRCC compatibility shows the LCXL to work properly. I have my doubts about step 2 however; would it be possible to connect the Bluebox's USB host port to the MRCC's "PC" USB port (and make the routing mentioned in step 3)?

Thanks in advance for your help/insights.

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  Non-Working Din Input
Posted by: Accent - 05-31-2022, 07:13 PM - Forum: General Support - Replies (2)

Hi all, got the MRCC a couple months ago in the middle of a studio rehaul, and have been slowly troubleshooting to integrate it into my rig. It’s been one of the best things I’ve gotten for my studio. However, I’ve gotten to the end of my troubleshooting and it appears midi input #5 is not working. Swapping devices to other inputs works, and nothing I send to the port seems to be transmitted to the outputs per the midi message monitor. Is there anything else I can do to troubleshoot? Or to try a factory reset to see if that helps? I’m hoping the retailer can work with me if the port is really not working, but would really like to get this working and not have to send it back.

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  MIDI Filters Per Channel
Posted by: qazbox - 05-28-2022, 09:45 PM - Forum: MRCC Feature Requests - Replies (9)

please add a way to select midi channel on the port filter menu. right now if you have any gear that utilizes more than 1 midi channel, the port filter section is pretty much useless. i know there was another thread about this, but it didnt make alot of sense...

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