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MIDI Clock issue
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  MIDI PC message issues
Posted by: KDJ3992 - 11-24-2023, 08:30 AM - Forum: MIDI Connectivity - Replies (3)

My NDLR does not seem to respond to MIDI Program Change (PC) messages to select presets.  When I send the PC number, nothing happens.  I can recover the presets manually using the physical controls on the device, but I primarily control the NDLR via external MIDI foot controllers, so using the NDLR's physical controls to change presets doesn't work as well for me.  Is there something else that needs to be transmitted with the PC message?  Or some other trick?  (For example, some of my external synths require an additional MSB/LSB number be transmitted along with the PC message.)

Thanks in advance?

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  Corrected/Updated MIDI implementation chart?
Posted by: KDJ3992 - 11-24-2023, 08:25 AM - Forum: MIDI Connectivity - Replies (2)

Does anyone have an updated or corrected MIDI implementation chart for the NDLR?  The one included in the manual seems to have a significant number of inaccuracies/omissions.  Here are some of the ones I've discovered:

  • CC 26 (chord degree) -- The manual chart says the range is 1-7, but it appears actually to be 0-6.  For example, sending a "1" results in a II chord, not a I chord.
  • CC 27 (chord type) -- The manual chart says the range is 1-7, but it also appears to be 0-6.  For example, sending a "1" results in a 7th chord, not a triad.  (Note -- The range being off by one does not seem to be a universal issue.  For CC 73 (key), the chart says the range is 1-12 and the range really seems to be 1-12, with a "1" resulting in a key of C.)
  • CC 30 (pad range) -- The manual provides a range of 1-100, but doesn't indicate that the number sent will not be equivalent to the range intended.  For example, sending a "4" results in a range of 1 not a range of 4.  After trial and error, I discovered that sending a "15" results in a range of 4.  So it appears there is a range of numbers that correspond to specific ranges, but finding the right message numbers takes time consuming trial and error.
  • CC 28 (pad position) -- Similar issue: the number sent is not equivalent to the position intended.  For example, sending a "66" does not result in a position of 66 but instead results in a position of 78.  I can find the right message to send after trial and error, but this is a time consuming process.
  • CC 90 (all start/stop) -- This CC number doesn't appear to work.  Sending a value on this CC number doesn't impact my device.  To get an all start/stop, I have to send individual CC start/stop messages to each of the 4 parts separately (via CC numbers 85, 86, 87, and 88).  While this is something of a workaround, it doesn't do the re-syncing of motifs that an all stop/start would do.
  • CC 120 (panic) -- CC 120 isn't included in the manual's MIDI implementation chart.  I only learned that it was a possibility when I received the Nov. 22 newsletter about the new firmware update.  The e-mail says that the CC is being changed from 120 to 123 -- but neither CC is included in either the v. 1.9 or 2.0 manuals.

I'm a wind synth player and primarily use the NDLR to be my accompanist.  I control the NDLR almost exclusively using foot MIDI controllers.  It works fairly well once I get the MIDI foot controllers set up, but the setup process is much more time consuming than I would like given the inaccuracies of the MIDI implementation charts.  And some features don't seem to work (CC 90) or aren't obvious (CC 120/123) through external MIDI controller.  The device would be much more usable for me with a more complete/accurate MIDI implementation guide.

Thanks in advance.

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  NDLR v1 vs v2
Posted by: Owgill - 11-17-2023, 05:21 AM - Forum: General Support - No Replies

What are the differences between the two versions?
Will all new functionality developed for v2 be ported to the v1?

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  Cannot route USB input to DAW cannot route MIDI input to DAW
Posted by: cliffman - 11-10-2023, 05:49 PM - Forum: General Support - No Replies

When I try to route a MIDI input or USB input to the DAW routing does not work. 
I can route from hardware ports fine. 
When I try to set it up i get this on the routings page:

(physical port 6 and USB A1 used as examples)
6 -> none

A1 -> none

Turning the knob does nothing. Of course there are no buttons for these virtual ports, so I only can use the Routing page. 
Please help, if I can't actually send MID via USB into my DAW the MRCC isn't going to do me much good

Nevermind, got it all sorted. Buchla 208C USB does not appear to like the MRXCC.


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  Use as an expander?
Posted by: custa1200 - 11-08-2023, 08:11 PM - Forum: General Support - Replies (5)

Is it possible to use the 880 from the MRCC as an expander, i.e. from the 1 of the 4 MRCC USB midi to the 880 PC usb?

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  MIDI Note Input Modifier / Re-Sequencer
Posted by: SteveECrane - 11-06-2023, 05:28 PM - Forum: Feature Requests - Replies (1)

Fellow knob twiddling folk, 

I have already noticed some requests for the NDLR to gain some of the capability of pseudo-random sequencing devices such as the Stochastic Sig or the Vermona Melodicer, and I would like to add one of my own - a feature of the MIDIcake ARP:

Take an existing MIDI stream as an input and then be able to produce a related MIDI output based on a combination of how the NDLR is configured for that particular patch (that is the scale type and root key) combined with pitch information it is receiving as MIDI note input data. That is, essentially re-sequencing the MIDI input notes using the NDLR as an intelligent modifier of pitch data, to produce new drone, chord and arpeggiated sequences. 

[Note: I'm not talking about the way NDLR can currently respond to incoming monophonic notes by way of an alternative to the front panel controls.]

Something along the lines of what the MIDIcake ARP is doing here:


I'd also like to see the NDLR be able to generate Pgm Change messages, as well as respond to them for selecting its own internal patches (i.e. setup configs) ... unless I've missed this capability!

Finally, a flabbergasted comment: 8 patch or setup memories!? Dear Lord ... just how retro are we going to get with some of this new gear!? Has anyone not seen how cheap MicroSD cards are?

Other than that, I'm still loving it! 

Anyways, just my personal thoughts...


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  Problem syncing MRCC MIDI clock to DAW (Reaper)
Posted by: secretknowledge - 11-04-2023, 07:17 PM - Forum: Computer MIDI Connectivity - Replies (6)

Hi All - I have been using the MRCC in a medium sized dawless setup and have been very pleased at how intuitive and reliable the functioning has been, including with regard to using the MRCC as a master clock for my hardware synths.

I occasionally use a DAW (Reaper) and have been recently trying to sync the DAW to MRCC clock without success.  I have read both the MRCC and Reaper manuals, watched the relevant videos, and searched multiple forums, but can't seem to find a solution to this problem.  

I am able to successfully output midi clock via the PC port on the MRCC to my MacBook Pro, and confirmed using Mac MidiMonitor that the clock is being received.  Within Reaper, I can select MRCC on the appropriate port in "External Timecode Synchronization", but can never get past the "waiting for timecode" error message when I try to play/record.

As near as I can tell, MRCC can only send MIDI clock (MidiMonitor does not show any MTC or SPP messages incoming to my computer), but Reaper will only sync to MIDI Time Code (MTC), SPP, or LTC.  I can't for the life of me figure out a way to either 1. have the MRCC send MTC, SPP, or LTC or 2. Reaper receive MIDI clock.

Has anyone been successful syncing Reaper as a slave to the MRCC?  I have a few VSTs (Scaler, Cthulu) that I would like to use to send chord progression/arp patterns to my hardware through MRCC, but can't figure out how to do this while staying synced to the MRCC clock for my other devices.

Is it possible for MRCC to send MTC or SPP?  Would getting an external MIDI clock like an ER-M solve the problem?  

Thanks for your assistance and please forgive any technical ignorance (I'm trying to read manuals and better understand MIDI but its still hazy).


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  NDLR v2.0 Red Base encoder issue
Posted by: SaltySage - 11-04-2023, 02:18 AM - Forum: General Support - Replies (1)

Just received my NDLR v2 with the red base which I updated to the v2.0.014 firmware . The encoders “click to value” is inconsistent sometimes it takes 1 click to change the value sometimes 2 or 3.  It looks like in some older posts this was also a issue .  Is mine defective or Is this just the way it is ?

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  I can only route the PC port to two outputs
Posted by: alexwasashrimp - 10-31-2023, 11:46 PM - Forum: Computer MIDI Connectivity - Replies (1)

Hi, I just reset my MRCC after not using it for some time and I can't figure out how to set it up now. Everything is fine except the USB PC port. For some reason, it only allows two outputs total across all virtual USB cables. So I can set PC01 to eg outputs 4 and 5, or I can set PC04 to output 2 and PC08 to output 7, and then I just can't add any more outputs, the blue lights don't light up. What am I doing wrong? It used to work prior to loading the factory preset.

Edit: okay, I may have hit a connection limit. Maybe I have too many inputs and outputs. Is there a hard limit on concurrent connections? I can't find any.

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Bug Transpose Mod just does nothing
Posted by: Marcus Universe - 10-29-2023, 10:53 AM - Forum: General Support - Replies (5)

Hi, I connected my old Casio WK 3000 Keyboard over Midi Out into the 3th Midi Input of the MRCC. Then I route it to P01 Out. In my Daw (FL Studio) I can play now the MRCC Midi and it works fine. 
But now I want to add a transpose mod to it. 

So I went to the routing section and selected the out port so it says 3 -> P01. I adding a Transpose Preset 1 to the first mod slot. 
Now by pressing the knob dile, I will be in the transpose settings window. Here I can set the transpose for the preset 1 and nothing happens. 
Still the same key. 

I literally followed the instructions of the MRCC YouTube video for Transpose (Transpose Mod Tutorial by MRCC)

Doesn't matter what preset I choose, what mod slot I use or if I use a different P Out or Midi In Port. 
Midi Channels set on Any in the Transpose page but It also doesn't matter if I change it to the Midi Channel I use. 

I even tried to factory reset the MRCC, Updating the newest firmware to MRCC_v1.1.073 and trying to use a different midi synth (Novation Circut Tracks) to send the Keyboard Midi to it and transpose it. 

Because I thought that maybe my Keyboard was too old, I also tried sending Midi from the Novation Circut Tracks into my Daw. Also no transpose, It stays on the same normal transpose. 

Nothing works, it's like the transpose mode doesn't do anything. I think it is a bug :/

Here I put some pictures of my settings:

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