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  firmware update issue
Posted by: Morganf - 01-13-2024, 08:59 AM - Forum: General Support - Replies (1)

I've just updated my Ndlr with the 1.1.086 firmware version and now the position/patt-len encoder of motif 1/2  doesn't work anymore. Click is okay but rotation stopped having any effective action, it only moves position one step right and back. I've tried to reload firmware... but it's not better. Confused
Any solution ?

(01-13-2024, 08:59 AM)Morganf Wrote: I've just updated my Ndlr with the 1.1.086 firmware version and now the position/patt-len encoder of motif 1/2  doesn't work anymore. Click is okay but rotation stopped having any effective action, it only moves position one step right and back. I've tried to reload firmware... but it's not better. Confused
Any solution ?

I forgot to mention  I got a V1 NDLR.

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  Note values changing randomly when editing
Posted by: arnoldorodeo - 01-12-2024, 01:06 AM - Forum: General Support - Replies (3)

Hi folks, really pleased to join the NDLR community ! Just a few words to introduce myself as it is my first post: My main job is sound engineer & mastering too but I also produce with others artists some progressive electronic music here in France with international artists. My configuration is hybrid , I won't speak of my peripherals here for mastering , out of subject , but about producing some old stuffs such as Akai S950 , Emu 3 , Roland MC303, Triton ProX with Moss extension, Oberheim OB12, Novation keyboard controller , Virus TI Snow ... The whole things are connected to Prism Orpheus & I work mainly in Pro Tools.
 As a happy owner of NDLR I discover each day new tricks Smile 

I got few questions , even after reading the manual 2.0 several times.

1- I would like to know why they are so many USB outputs & most of all why they are splitted with "ALL" & "1 to 4".

2- I've been unable to random the velocity of Motifs 1 & 2. No problem for affecting LFO , amount of randomness etc but when i record in Pro Tools the result on a midi track I just see many fixed values of velocity. So here is my second question : Is there a way to modulate randomly all the value of the Rythm editor once I found a nice motif? Note that I always put before beginning a session to put the velocity value in global menu to a decent middle value, around 64.

3- Could someone explain why when editing a motif (1 or 2) the note values suddenly change, even without a LFO modulation targetting it ? Those mysterious changing values appear only when I edit a motif. Once it's done , if I work in another window, say the rythm editor , there is no more values changes. Weird.

4 - About the rotator mode. Once I activated this in the menu I've been unabled to find a right configuration with USB keyboard to hear what I do (meaning rotating chords on a virtual instrument) while another midi channel send the transposing chords. I even experienced some crashes with Pro tools. That would mean a bad midi configuration. I would need to know the best way to configure in MIDI tracks how to use this wonderful rotator mode.

I am conscious it takes time to learn deeply this kind of machine. I already made some wonderful lines of motifs, chords with it. Really really beautiful piece of gear & so grateful to the team who created it.

Thanks for reading my post & helping me.

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  Problem with MRCC FW update
Posted by: BruenMusic - 01-02-2024, 08:18 AM - Forum: General Support - Replies (3)

Hi there,

I tried updating my MRCC from FW version v 1.1.052 to v 1.1.075, but have issues.
I opened the hex file in the Teensy loader. Click on the Auto button (lights up bright green, like in the instructions). The Blue light is lit on the MRCC and then I push the recessed FW button on the MRCC. The blue light will go off and ... nothing happens. The unit is on, but can't excess anything. When powercycling it does boot. For clarity: No I did not use the FW of the NDLR. Wink

I used the Teensy loader both on Windows 10 and on Mac OS (Sierra).
What am I missing? Or am I missing a step? 

Here's what the LOG-file says:

15:52:52.826 (loader): Teensy Loader 1.58, begin program
15:52:52.944 (loader): File "C:\Users\Marco\Downloads\MRCC\MRCC_v1.1.075_08-23-2023.hex_\MRCC_v1.1.075_08-23-2023.hex", 268648 bytes
15:52:52.945 (loader): File "MRCC_v1.1.075_08-23-2023.hex". 268648 bytes
15:52:52.956 (loader): Listening for remote control on port 3149
15:52:52.956 (loader): initialized, showing main window
15:52:53.193 (loader): HID/win32:  vid:046D pid:C52B ver:1203  usb:0/140000/0/5/6
15:52:53.193 (loader): HID/win32:  vid:046D pid:C52B ver:1203  usb:0/140000/0/5/6
15:52:53.193 (loader): HID/win32:  vid:046D pid:C52B ver:1203  usb:0/140000/0/5/6
15:52:53.194 (loader): HID/win32:  vid:046D pid:C52B ver:1203  usb:0/140000/0/5/7
15:52:53.194 (loader): HID/win32:  vid:046D pid:C52B ver:1203  usb:0/140000/0/5/7
15:52:53.194 (loader): HID/win32:  vid:046D pid:C52B ver:1203  usb:0/140000/0/5/7
15:53:04.804 (loader): Open File event
15:53:17.532 (loader): File "C:\Users\Marco\Downloads\MRCC\MRCC_v1.1.075_08-23-2023.hex_\MRCC_v1.1.075_08-23-2023.hex", 268648 bytes
15:53:17.532 (loader): File "MRCC_v1.1.075_08-23-2023.hex". 268648 bytes
15:53:19.588 (loader): Auto Button event
15:53:19.588 (loader): Auto mode: enabled
15:53:32.424 (loader): Verbose Info event

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  Start/Stop CC MIDI through?
Posted by: csaoh - 12-28-2023, 12:49 PM - Forum: MIDI Connectivity - Replies (2)

EDIT: NEVERMIND I JUST FOUND MY ANSWER BY READING THE OTHER TOPICS (at least for the midi through part, not sure about the clock bug)

Hey folks!

New NDLR user here, i'm trying to figure out how can I integrate it into my DAWless setup, and while I have found a really cool way to do it, I still have trouble figuring out one particular detail. 

Is it possible to make the NDLR pass through all the start/stop CC's from a master source into "child" the synths ? 

My current setup has a Boss RC-500 guitar looper acting as MIDI clock, it sends start and stop CC signals into two Novation Circuit grooveboxes, that immediately start playing at the same tempo as the loop. I'd love to insert the NDLR in between the looper and the Circuits, but my issue is that if i do it, the grooveboxes don't start with the looper anymore, unless they have at least one track mapped from the NDLR and armed to play (and even then, sometimes the notes are sent but not the start, or the stop...)

A workaround could be always mapping at least one track on each groovebox to the NDLR and mute these tracks, but I tend to do a lot of live improvisations, and it's hard to predict in advance what I would be using (and to think about resetting it back again after each "track"). Ideally I'd like for the NDLR to be "transparent" and act as if it's not here unless I specifically want to use it; then, if a track would be assigned to a pattern on the NDLR, it would just play when its play button is pressed.

I've also noticed a weird bug, every time I start the playback on the looper, the NDLR always starts faster and actually takes around a second to adjust to the beat, so i'd definitely rather let the looper dictate the tempo to the grooveboxes. Like, having all the CC going from the looper through the NDLR and into the MIDI outputs, and having the NDLR only sending note signals when needed

I'm using a v1 with the latest firmware BTW

Thanks in advance!

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  Tied notes through pad chord changes?
Posted by: glenniszen - 12-13-2023, 08:36 AM - Forum: General Support - No Replies

I've just got my new NDLR - it's fun so far and I'm still learning, but I have a question.
Whenever a chord change happens with the pad - can I make it tie a note that is already playing - rather than the same note being re-triggered.. this would allow for smoother more pleasing chord progressions, thanks.

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  Power connection issue
Posted by: moriada - 12-07-2023, 09:32 AM - Forum: General Support - Replies (1)

Hi there,

I have a slightly worrying problem with one of my two MRCCs (which I love and use every day).

The unit won't turn on unless the USB-C cable is pulled slightly down. If it moves in any direction, the unit loses power, and I lose all the routings. This unit is only a couple of months old, and it lives in the same place, but today I lost power for an hour and couldn't get it back. 

I reluctantly fiddled with it until eventually I found the precise angle to get it to work, but I'm worried that it indicates a hardware problem within. I'm also hesitant to open it and see if it's a loose connection in case I damage it in some way. Do you have any advice for this issue? I'd be very grateful.

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  New Remote-7 channel 5 dead
Posted by: t_byrd - 12-06-2023, 05:58 AM - Forum: General Support - Replies (2)


I just recently purchased a Remote-7 and after some extensive troubleshooting it seems like channel 5 is not outputting any data. I am pretty familiar with the MRCC routing at this point and I'm not doing any "advanced" routing or filtering, just some simple 1 to 1 patching from a sequencer/MIDI controller.etc. I am using the Remote 1-5 mode and I have patched all my MIDI sources to all 5 remote channels. I'm using all new MIDI cables and swapping the cable on 5 doesn't help. 

To put it simply, I can get all of my MIDI sources to play nicely with the devices connected to the Remote-7 output, except when I am using channel 5. I did a simple test of having a sequencer play a synth and physically connecting the synth's MIDI input to each Remote-7 output individually, they all worked except for 5. 

Maybe a hardware issue? Any troubleshooting suggestions? 


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  NDLR For Dummies
Posted by: hiddenagenda - 12-03-2023, 11:11 AM - Forum: General Support - Replies (1)

I'm pretty new at this midi sequencer stuff.  I'm getting to do some things but very rudimentary.  My remark is that while this is a wonderful device if I saw a book for sale that said NDLR For Dummies (perhaps written by Jesse) I would certainly pay a considerable price for it.  I don't learn well with Youtubes.  I need referrence documents.

I still love my NDLR but I am struggling to get fluent with it.

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  Position encoder R.I.P.
Posted by: Eamoex - 12-02-2023, 02:07 PM - Forum: General Support - Replies (4)

Position/Strum encoder is dead on my V1 unit. Click is fine, rotation stopped having any effect. Can ConductiveLabs please provide with the reference of the correct encoder used so I can replace it?

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Photo Screen superposition
Posted by: rotalumis - 12-02-2023, 10:26 AM - Forum: General Support - Replies (1)

Hi there,
If I go (shift+menu) in one of the new two modes of the latest firware (rotation or interval), then push menu and again shift+menu, the current rotation or interval screen image superimpose to the previouis menu image.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
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