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  Play Free Chords without seq running
Posted by: deep88 - 10-17-2023, 08:24 AM - Forum: General Support - Replies (3)

hey all
is there a way to play chords without having the pad seq running? so having the sustain as long as the chord button is keeping pressed?

otherwise can i set the sustain in a way with the seq running? or gate lenght


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  MRCC not reporting name correctly to computer
Posted by: ekkomouse - 10-11-2023, 03:33 AM - Forum: Computer MIDI Connectivity - Replies (4)

Firmware 1.1.075

I have had MRCC for a while, settings had name setup to MRCC and had some issues in the past where ports were switching around and couldn't be assigned by Bome Network software due to name changing. That seems to be fixed. However, I have since added a second MRCC, named it MRCC-B and changed the name of the first MRCC to MRCC-A and then deleted the midi device in Mac audio/midi settings, rebooted and sometimes the first MRCC sends its name as MRCC and sometimes as MRCC-A. Settings always say MRCC-A. So the fix is to go to Audio/midi settings, delete the MRCC from devices, and reboot, sometimes it takes the correct name MRCC-A, sometimes not.

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  Remote 7 stopped working
Posted by: RandomPattern - 10-08-2023, 01:13 PM - Forum: General Support - No Replies

Hello... just powered up my studio and found the devices connected to the Remote 7 weren't triggered via MIDI. Tried another ethernet cable but no luck. Remote 7 is enabled and no change if set to Remote 1-5 or Copy 1-5. With a hardware MIDI tester connected to MIDI Out 1 on the MRCC I am seeing data pass but not if I then move that tester to output 1 of the Remote. FWIW, I'm on 1.1.071 though it was working fine so not sure that matters.

Any thoughts?  Thanks.

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  and hour after getting it out the box
Posted by: pgpete - 10-07-2023, 11:22 PM - Forum: Show me what you got! - No Replies

one hour after getting it out of the box : - 


NDLR v2 

Mixcraft 10  

Arturia analog lab V

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  send PC when preset or chord changed
Posted by: duncanrmi - 10-07-2023, 07:07 PM - Forum: Feature Requests - No Replies

here's my situation:

I'm controlling the NDLR using otherwise unheard pairs of notes in a track on a hw sequencer (in this case, a deluge).
downstream of it I have a doepfer maq which is going through a midihub to make it comply with a particular key.

(the doepfer outputs a chromatic scale, making it difficult & dangerous to use in a live situation. I've spent thirty years on this, I know!)
(also, the midihub is remapping the NDLR's drone channel onto the three channels the maq is on, so the three maq rows are being transposed by the drone note)

so... I am planning to match the presets in the midihub (8 different keys) with the eight presets in the NDLR (the same 8 different keys).

if I discover that the preset numbers are offset by one, which they sometimes are, I'll just rotate the presets differently, maybe I lose one....

anyway, getting the deluge to play these PCs at the same time & on the same track as the NDLR-controller chords.... I can't do that easily, & pinging them out from the keyboard I have would be tricky; I want it to be do-able on stage, quickly.

basically I'd like the NDLR to send a PC on its controller channel when the preset is changed, or else be configurable so that the PC is sent when the chord degree changes.

(I have a workaround, which is to use the midihub to turn the drone notes into program changes, & then apply these to itself, but it's not stable, & limits me to one octave of the drone range)

this would work my midihub & its force-to-scale to follow what the NDLR is doing, so it'll play nice with a maq or a midi'd klee (my next project!) or oberkorn or whatever.

it could also do patch changes on attached synths.... different instruments playing the different chord degrees.... imagine that with a carefully arranged orchestral patch!

I'm thinking of a relatively minimal scenario here too, the one where you just sit with the NDLR & a synth module, nothing else. something to record your jams on, of course.

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  Sending midi over USB
Posted by: tellement - 10-06-2023, 12:55 AM - Forum: MIDI Connectivity - No Replies

Hello, I tried searching to see if this has been answered previously but no joy, so am posting.

Got the new red NDLR recently. Started to play around with it this morning. For some reason it's only sending clock messages and start / stop when I press play and pause. If I connect it via a midi converter (iConnectivity XM) it works fine. Have tried changing the midi out to 'USB ALL' in the menu but that doesnt make any difference.

I'm pretty convinced there's something glaringly obvious that I'm missing, but can't for the life of me work out what it is. Any help greatly appreciated.

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  Can't create new routes on a certain Profile
Posted by: Jezric - 10-04-2023, 03:05 PM - Forum: General Support - No Replies

I saw another thread about this as well but was not able to reply there for some reason. 

Anyway. I have run into a situation where I can no longer create a routing between an input and a specific output port. 

I have MIDI DIN IN Ports 1-5 (KeystepPro, Maschine+, MIDI Marimba/Kat, Juno-X, PolyBrute), 3 USB I/O devices (Rev2, Pro-3, Hydrasynth) and then the MIDI OUT DIN Ports going back out to the same devices as the MIDI DIN Input Ports. 

Up until today I have had zero issues with setting up routes between the INs and OUTs (with various blocking of clocks, channel filters (thanks Juno!), etc.). 

Today I added the MIDI Kat using a MIDI DIN Input Port 3, and it will not allow me to route that to the PolyBrute's MIDI DIN Out Port 5. 

This was only happening on a particular profile (A2), I switched to a different profile and it let me setup the route no problem. 

To get around this I loaded up a profile that did allow me to setup the route (User 3) and then reset all the routing on this new profile, saved it as the old problematic profile A2 and now it's all fine. 

So, I think there is some bug here that is tied to the Profile, perhaps the profile is getting into a corrupted state?

Hard to repro for you guys I'm sure, but something to be aware of.

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  Feature requests for 1 and 2 MRCC Units
Posted by: ekkomouse - 10-04-2023, 05:59 AM - Forum: Hardware MIDI Connectivity - Replies (1)

1. Is it possible for MRCC clock to pickup an external clock, then assign that out to inputs in the clock section? This would allow us to separate clock signal from other midi signals.
2. Can you increase the number of routings/mod assignments, when you have a lot of devices and start to filter out clock/start stop on them while having lots of devices receiving clock/notes, you can reach the current threshold fairly consistently.
3. Is it possible to add all input/output destinations to the port filter sections, it only covers about 80% of the destinations.
4. Are you still investigating adding 4 inputs and 4 outputs per USB port? That would be great and useful for WIDI by CME and other devices.
5. When you have two MRCC Units, midi notes/clock/cc are not reflected on the receiving second device which makes it difficult to troubleshoot if you are not sure the final device is receiving a note/clock etc. 
6. Can you allow two MRCC units to share input/ouput naming? 
7. Can you allow a save on one device to trigger a save on a second MRCC?

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  Trouble updating firmware on v2 NDLR (screen blank!)
Posted by: merlin9876 - 10-02-2023, 06:35 PM - Forum: General Support - Replies (2)


Just got my new NDLR today, nice! Plugged it in to my PC, boots up nicely, screen buttons work fine. Then I said to myself, I'll download the latest firmware and try to update it with Teensy Loader, just in case. Now I the screen is blank (black)!  Sad It's plugged in directly to my PC (Win 11, new computer). Weirdly, Windows beeps when plugging/unplugging the NDLR from USB, si Windows seems to see it. I also tried doing the update manually instead of auto and no go either.

It looks like the loader has problems and I get an message saying the reboot is too soon (less than 2 seconds) and to insert a pause in the code??? There's a line saying the process is under 2 seconds (end operation, total time = 1.699 seconds). Here's the log from the loader below. Any help? Thanks!

21:29:43.206 (loader): Auto Button event
21:29:43.207 (loader): Auto mode: enabled
21:29:50.454 (loader): stop ignoring usb:80001/3/0/2
21:29:53.232 (loader): secure mode can not be locked: this is Standard Teensy
21:29:53.234 (loader): encryption is possible on this Teensy, but not yet configured
21:29:53.236 (loader): but without secure mode locked, encryption will NOT be secure!
21:29:53.238 (loader): Device came online, code_size = 2031616
21:29:53.239 (loader): Board is: Teensy 4.0 (IMXRT1062), version 1.07
21:29:53.263 (loader): File "C:\! - Hardware\Conductive Lab - The NDLR\The NDLR v1.1.079 Firmware.ino.hex", 217460 bytes
21:29:53.264 (loader): File "The NDLR v1.1.079 Firmware.ino.hex". 217460 bytes, 11% used
21:29:53.300 (loader): set background IMG_ONLINE
21:29:53.325 (loader): File "C:\! - Hardware\Conductive Lab - The NDLR\The NDLR v1.1.079 Firmware.ino.hex", 217460 bytes
21:29:53.326 (loader): File "The NDLR v1.1.079 Firmware.ino.hex". 217460 bytes, 11% used
21:29:53.362 (loader): can't open file 'C:\! - Hardware\Conductive Lab - The NDLR\The NDLR v1.1.079 Firmware.ino.elf' (error 2: the system cannot find the file specified.)
21:29:53.363 (loader): elf file is for Unknown Board
21:29:53.364 (loader): using hex file
21:29:53.398 (loader): begin operation
21:29:53.421 (loader): flash, block=0, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:53.424 (loader): flash, block=1, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:53.426 (loader): flash, block=2, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.226 (loader): flash, block=3, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.228 (loader): flash, block=4, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.233 (loader): flash, block=5, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.240 (loader): flash, block=6, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.244 (loader): flash, block=7, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.246 (loader): flash, block=8, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.250 (loader): flash, block=9, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.253 (loader): flash, block=10, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.256 (loader): flash, block=11, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.259 (loader): flash, block=12, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.262 (loader): flash, block=13, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.265 (loader): flash, block=14, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.268 (loader): flash, block=15, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.271 (loader): flash, block=16, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.275 (loader): flash, block=17, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.278 (loader): flash, block=18, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.283 (loader): flash, block=19, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.287 (loader): flash, block=20, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.291 (loader): flash, block=21, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.295 (loader): flash, block=22, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.299 (loader): flash, block=23, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.306 (loader): flash, block=24, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.310 (loader): flash, block=25, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.314 (loader): flash, block=26, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.319 (loader): flash, block=27, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.323 (loader): flash, block=28, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.327 (loader): flash, block=29, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.331 (loader): flash, block=30, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.336 (loader): flash, block=31, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.340 (loader): flash, block=32, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.344 (loader): flash, block=33, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.348 (loader): flash, block=34, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.351 (loader): flash, block=35, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.355 (loader): flash, block=36, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.359 (loader): flash, block=37, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.363 (loader): flash, block=38, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.367 (loader): flash, block=39, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.371 (loader): flash, block=40, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.375 (loader): flash, block=41, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.379 (loader): flash, block=42, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.383 (loader): flash, block=43, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.389 (loader): flash, block=44, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.392 (loader): flash, block=45, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.396 (loader): flash, block=46, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.400 (loader): flash, block=47, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.404 (loader): flash, block=48, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.407 (loader): flash, block=49, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.413 (loader): flash, block=50, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.416 (loader): flash, block=51, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.421 (loader): flash, block=52, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.425 (loader): flash, block=53, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.429 (loader): flash, block=54, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.432 (loader): flash, block=55, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.439 (loader): flash, block=56, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.443 (loader): flash, block=57, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.447 (loader): flash, block=58, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.450 (loader): flash, block=59, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.454 (loader): flash, block=60, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.458 (loader): flash, block=61, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.462 (loader): flash, block=62, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.466 (loader): flash, block=63, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.472 (loader): flash, block=64, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.476 (loader): flash, block=65, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.480 (loader): flash, block=66, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.484 (loader): flash, block=67, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.488 (loader): flash, block=68, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.492 (loader): flash, block=69, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.496 (loader): flash, block=70, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.499 (loader): flash, block=71, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.504 (loader): flash, block=72, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.508 (loader): flash, block=73, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.511 (loader): flash, block=74, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.515 (loader): flash, block=75, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.519 (loader): flash, block=76, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.523 (loader): flash, block=77, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.526 (loader): flash, block=78, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.530 (loader): flash, block=79, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.534 (loader): flash, block=80, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.539 (loader): flash, block=81, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.542 (loader): flash, block=82, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.546 (loader): flash, block=83, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.549 (loader): flash, block=84, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.555 (loader): flash, block=85, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.559 (loader): flash, block=86, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.562 (loader): flash, block=87, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.566 (loader): flash, block=88, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.572 (loader): flash, block=89, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.576 (loader): flash, block=90, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.580 (loader): flash, block=91, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.583 (loader): flash, block=92, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.589 (loader): flash, block=93, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.592 (loader): flash, block=94, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.596 (loader): flash, block=95, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.600 (loader): flash, block=96, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.605 (loader): flash, block=97, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.609 (loader): flash, block=98, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.613 (loader): flash, block=99, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.616 (loader): flash, block=100, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.621 (loader): flash, block=101, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.626 (loader): flash, block=102, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.629 (loader): flash, block=103, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.633 (loader): flash, block=104, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.639 (loader): flash, block=105, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.643 (loader): flash, block=106, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.646 (loader): flash, block=107, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.651 (loader): flash, block=108, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.655 (loader): flash, block=109, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.658 (loader): flash, block=110, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.662 (loader): flash, block=111, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.666 (loader): flash, block=112, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.672 (loader): flash, block=113, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.675 (loader): flash, block=114, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.680 (loader): flash, block=115, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.683 (loader): flash, block=116, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.689 (loader): flash, block=117, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.693 (loader): flash, block=118, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.697 (loader): flash, block=119, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.700 (loader): flash, block=120, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.705 (loader): flash, block=121, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.708 (loader): flash, block=122, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.712 (loader): flash, block=123, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.716 (loader): flash, block=124, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.720 (loader): flash, block=125, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.723 (loader): flash, block=126, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.727 (loader): flash, block=127, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.730 (loader): flash, block=128, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.734 (loader): flash, block=129, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.739 (loader): flash, block=130, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.743 (loader): flash, block=131, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.746 (loader): flash, block=132, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.750 (loader): flash, block=133, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.755 (loader): flash, block=134, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.758 (loader): flash, block=135, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.763 (loader): flash, block=136, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.767 (loader): flash, block=137, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.772 (loader): flash, block=138, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.776 (loader): flash, block=139, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.779 (loader): flash, block=140, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.784 (loader): flash, block=141, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.788 (loader): flash, block=142, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.792 (loader): flash, block=143, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.796 (loader): flash, block=144, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.799 (loader): flash, block=145, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.805 (loader): flash, block=146, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.809 (loader): flash, block=147, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.813 (loader): flash, block=148, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.817 (loader): flash, block=149, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.822 (loader): flash, block=150, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.825 (loader): flash, block=151, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.830 (loader): flash, block=152, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.834 (loader): flash, block=153, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.838 (loader): flash, block=154, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.841 (loader): flash, block=155, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.845 (loader): flash, block=156, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.849 (loader): flash, block=157, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.853 (loader): flash, block=158, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.857 (loader): flash, block=159, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.861 (loader): flash, block=160, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.865 (loader): flash, block=161, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.869 (loader): flash, block=162, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.873 (loader): flash, block=163, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.877 (loader): flash, block=164, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.880 (loader): flash, block=165, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.884 (loader): flash, block=166, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.888 (loader): flash, block=167, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.893 (loader): flash, block=168, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.897 (loader): flash, block=169, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.900 (loader): flash, block=170, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.905 (loader): flash, block=171, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.909 (loader): flash, block=172, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.913 (loader): flash, block=173, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.917 (loader): flash, block=174, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.922 (loader): flash, block=175, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.926 (loader): flash, block=176, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.930 (loader): flash, block=177, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.934 (loader): flash, block=178, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.938 (loader): flash, block=179, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.942 (loader): flash, block=180, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.946 (loader): flash, block=181, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.950 (loader): flash, block=182, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.956 (loader): flash, block=183, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.959 (loader): flash, block=184, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.963 (loader): flash, block=185, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.967 (loader): flash, block=186, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.972 (loader): flash, block=187, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.977 (loader): flash, block=188, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.981 (loader): flash, block=189, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.985 (loader): flash, block=190, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.989 (loader): flash, block=191, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.993 (loader): flash, block=192, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:54.997 (loader): flash, block=193, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:55.000 (loader): flash, block=194, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:55.006 (loader): flash, block=195, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:55.010 (loader): flash, block=196, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:55.014 (loader): flash, block=197, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:55.017 (loader): flash, block=198, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:55.021 (loader): flash, block=199, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:55.025 (loader): flash, block=200, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:55.029 (loader): flash, block=201, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:55.034 (loader): flash, block=202, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:55.039 (loader): flash, block=203, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:55.043 (loader): flash, block=204, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:55.047 (loader): flash, block=205, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:55.051 (loader): flash, block=206, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:55.056 (loader): flash, block=207, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:55.059 (loader): flash, block=208, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:55.063 (loader): flash, block=209, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:55.067 (loader): flash, block=210, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:55.071 (loader): flash, block=211, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:55.075 (loader): flash, block=212, bs=1024, auto=1
21:29:55.089 (loader): sending reboot
21:29:55.094 (loader): begin wait_until_offline
21:29:55.096 (loader): offline, waited 0
21:29:55.099 (loader): end operation, total time = 1.699 seconds
21:29:55.105 (loader): set background IMG_REBOOT_OK
21:29:55.110 (loader): redraw timer set, image 14 to show for 1200 ms
21:29:55.271 (loader): HID/win32:  vid:1963 pid:0053 ver:0110  usb:80001/4/0/2/7/6/8
21:29:55.275 (loader): HID/win32:  vid:046D pid:C52B ver:1211  usb:80001/3/0/1/3
21:29:55.278 (loader): HID/win32:  vid:046D pid:C52B ver:1211  usb:80001/3/0/1/3
21:29:55.282 (loader): HID/win32:  vid:046D pid:C52B ver:1211  usb:80001/3/0/1/3
21:29:55.285 (loader): HID/win32:  vid:046D pid:C52B ver:1211  usb:80001/3/0/1/2
21:29:55.288 (loader): HID/win32:  vid:046D pid:C52B ver:1211  usb:80001/3/0/1/2
21:29:55.291 (loader): HID/win32:  vid:046D pid:C52B ver:1211  usb:80001/3/0/1/2
21:29:55.522 (loader): handle b8c
21:29:55.524 (loader): Device came online, code_size = 100
21:29:55.527 (loader): Board is: NXP IMXRT1062 ROM
21:29:55.529 (loader): begin operation
21:29:55.555 (loader): File "C:\! - Hardware\Conductive Lab - The NDLR\The NDLR v1.1.079 Firmware.ino.hex", 217460 bytes
21:29:55.558 (loader): File "The NDLR v1.1.079 Firmware.ino.hex". 217460 bytes
21:29:55.561 (loader): reboot too soon timer still running, oh no!
21:29:55.575 (loader): set background IMG_ONLINE
21:29:55.584 (loader): nxp_write: success
21:29:55.589 (loader): nxp_write: success
21:29:55.591 (loader): HAB open mode, bootcfg=8B018
21:29:55.594 (loader): Opps, NXP ROM in open mode, but we do not yet have code for this case Sad
21:29:55.597 (loader): start ignoring usb:80001/3/0/2
21:29:55.600 (loader): end operation, total time = 0.068 seconds
21:29:55.606 (loader): redraw timer set, image 79 to show for 3000 ms
21:29:58.612 (loader): redraw, image 9

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  Embiggen Screen...
Posted by: a1o1 - 10-02-2023, 10:22 AM - Forum: General Support - Replies (1)


Crazy Random question.... 

how feasible might it be for me to "mod" my NDLR to make the screen more bigly ? ... I know my way around electronics and soldering/de-soldering etc. 


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