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[SOLVED] Odd quantization of drone
Hi All,
I'm learning controlling NDLR's parts by using MIDI messages in Bitwig Studio. 

I've observed something I cannot explain: starting the drone seems to take effect from the next clock "phrase", like if it was quantized, but stopping it has immediate effect. 

In the image below you see the "NDLR control" track's notes and automation. The notes change the chords of course. The automation sends the MIDI CC 86 message, to start (up) and stop (down) the drone.

[Image: 056Ewj7.png]

NDLR's settings seem to say that quantization applies to the pads only, besides, I've turned it off. Any ideas? Firmware is 1.1.066, thanks!
I believe I may have solved the puzzle. The drone does not start unless a chord degree event / button is triggered. In my previous example I was trying to start the drone 2 beats before the next chord degree change, in fact the drone only started there.

This may be an issue when improvising through a DAW, but I suggest a solution in the forum here.



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