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Missing Not Off v1.1.075 : some serious issues
For what it's worth, I've send a change request to Novation Smile

For the record, I've done some test with a NI KK MK2 (usb midi rerouted to mrcc) and as there implementation use the real midi note-off status, using Mods Vel does not re-trigger the note when min velocity is changed in the out part.

There is still a problem in this mod vel : once you change the min velocity set at 0, no way to set it back to taht same value, the lowest value is now 1.

As a recap, I have two requests/questions here :

1. Could MRCC change the incoming note-on 0x90 vel 0 to note-off 0x90 vel 0 ? This could fix same issue with lots of devices  Smile Heart
2. Could the mod vel min value be 0 and not 1 once it has already been changed?



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RE: Missing Not Off v1.1.075 : some serious issues - by johnleborgne - Yesterday, 02:32 PM

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