(01-10-2020, 05:48 AM)rob-ant Wrote: Thanks Mark, you were right. However, when I change to chromatic or scale, the notes drop in pitch significantly and I'm not sure why. Also, and I may be missing something again, but is it possible to swap note value for note itself IJust to add to Mark's useful comments, the notes change for chromatic mode because its a completely different note pool. For chord mode, the note pool is constrained to notes in the chord, in chromatic mode the pool it the entire keyboard (within the limits of the pattern step range).
the editor? Value of say '15' means nothing to me but if the value displayed the actual note, based on the root note, it would be much more helpful.
The NDLR was never meant to replace a traditional sequencer. As you are discovering, its tedious to try to force it into that role. I use a Beatstep Pro or my Korg SQ-1 when I want to have a static sequence in the mix.