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Missing Not Off v1.1.075 : some serious issues

Seems to have the same issue as for the NDLR

First, in the Activity screen, I just see the 0 and no X

Second, I use Mods Vel, and nothing works as expected.

Mods Velo
    To Any
    In 50 to 90
    Out 10 to 127

I always get a second note trigger when releasing keyboard note.
Impossible to use, my Peak just stack every keystroke.

Third, I check with the monitoring tools...
No note off at all.
Each keystroke send two note ON, the second has VEL 0

When using Mod Vel, the second one is with VEL 10.

I've also use a keyboard split and as soon as I use a Mod Alt or Tran on a part of the split (there are no bend at all), it becomes a complete mess.
I think that this may be related to the same problem : no NOTE OFF signal.

What keyboard are you using?
I've learned recently that some gear doesn't send note off messages, instead it sends note on with velocity 0, which is equivalent to note off messages according to MIDI standard. However not all synths work correctly with that.
(Yesterday, 02:58 PM)RadekPilich Wrote: What keyboard are you using?
I've learned recently that some gear doesn't send note off messages, instead it sends note on with velocity 0, which is equivalent to note off messages according to MIDI standard. However not all synths work correctly with that.

Wow, I did not know that.
I'm using the Novation Launchkey MK3 25.

I dig a little bit and as you said, I found some problems related to this Note On vel 0 instead of a Note Off message (like on the some Elektron devices Sad ).

I've done some test with MIDI-OX, what I should have done directly Wink

Simple check for note on/off
1. reconnect the keyboard directly to the pc : OX displays Note On and Note Off messages.
2. reconnect the keyboard to MRCC, routing to PC 1 : OX displays Note On and Note Off messages.

MRCC : on the routing page, there is no sign of a Note Off message
I just see 1>0, no 1>X when releasing the note on the keyboard.

Checking the OX Data, I can confirme that the Novation use the Note On with vel 0 as a note off.
The status byte is 0x90 and not 0x80 for a released note.

So, MRCC just respect that and does not show 1>X, now I understand why.

Digging a little more.

OX displays Note On for 0x90 with Vel at 0 : seems correct as it is also part of the midi specification.

Adding Mods Vel1 to the routing
OX : just shows two Note On message because the status byte is always 0x90.

Problem with Mod Vel : it can't have 0 Vel for the output, it goes from 1 to 127. and in my case I set the vel out from 10 to 120

Could MRCC interpret Note On Vel 0 as note off and force/translate that to a real Note Off 0x80 status msg instead of sending/keeping the same status byte with the Mod Vel ?
As it is part of the specification, I can't really blame Novation or any other manufacturer for using this instead of Note Off msg.

This problem seems to me more complicated that I think it was in the first start.
At least, I've learned a little bit more about the MIDI spec.



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