I just received my MRCC 880 this afternoon, and I'm trying to use it to control midi on my Sub 37.
Other details include:
As far as I can tell, other than my settings in Ableton, I think this should be plug & play, no? Am I missing anything? I tend to assume I'm doing something wrong when things like this happen, but I don't know what to do at this point. I would appreciate any assistance you can provide!
P.S. I'm not using this to rout one midi device to another - just mid to and from my daw directly.
Update: So I've been reading the manual, and I read the section on Routing USB Midi Virtual Inputs (From DAW to Din). I realized that I may have to follow these instructions, and so I have been. It says to hold down the PC "In" button, which I do, and it says that the green LEDs will light up, but they don't light up at all when I press the "In" PC button. They do light up in a temporary an serial fashion during power-up, but that's it. Otherwise, no button presses will light up any of the buttons on the device. I'm assuming that's bad, right?
- The midi I'm sending is from a clip on a midi track my DAW (Ableton 11)
- I've connected my 880 to my MacBook Pro (Intel) via a CalDigit hub, and it is being detected in Ableton's "Midi From" and "Midi To" menus on each track.
- I've activated the "Out" ports for "Track" in Ableton's "Link/Tempo/Midi" settings tab so that the notes are sent through all four ports of the MRCC 880.
- However, when I send midi via the midi cable I have going from my 880 (OUT) to my to my Sub 37 (IN), nothing happens.
- I know my midi is setup correctly in the Sub 37 because I have a Motu 828 Audio Interface with midi out that can send midi to the the Sub 37 using the same cable on the same port (1), and the Sub 37 responds to that (i.e., it plays notes).
Other details include:
- I can see that midi is being transmitted "from" the daw because the midi channel is lighting up each time a note is played by the daw.
- I've also tried sending Midi "In" from the "Out" port on the Sub 37, but no midi is making it to my DAW.
As far as I can tell, other than my settings in Ableton, I think this should be plug & play, no? Am I missing anything? I tend to assume I'm doing something wrong when things like this happen, but I don't know what to do at this point. I would appreciate any assistance you can provide!
P.S. I'm not using this to rout one midi device to another - just mid to and from my daw directly.
Update: So I've been reading the manual, and I read the section on Routing USB Midi Virtual Inputs (From DAW to Din). I realized that I may have to follow these instructions, and so I have been. It says to hold down the PC "In" button, which I do, and it says that the green LEDs will light up, but they don't light up at all when I press the "In" PC button. They do light up in a temporary an serial fashion during power-up, but that's it. Otherwise, no button presses will light up any of the buttons on the device. I'm assuming that's bad, right?