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03-12-2025, 01:42 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-12-2025, 02:00 PM by johnleborgne.)
I've splitted my NI KK MK2 into two parts.
Lower half is for Bassline DB-01 and higher half is for Peak.
My routing :
- PC1 > 1 (PEAK) + Mods Lyr2
PC1 > 5 (Bassline) + Mods Lyr1
No bend on the two CH Layer, it is a hard split.
There is no problemn if it is the only mods for each routing.
BUT, serious problems arrives as soon as a want to add another mod: vel, alt, tran, cc
If a add mod the the Peak, playing on the Bassline part plays the PEAK
And vice-versa...
Impossible to use the keyboard split and try to use a more advanced configuration at the same time.
Can someone confirm this ?
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Will do! Just yesterday I was thinking that it would be useful if the basic 61 key controller I have could do splits. I haven't realized till now that MRCC will do that for me.
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Where are you adding the Mod that screws up the layer split? before or after the layer split?
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Ok, so I've tested this configuration:
A hard split on my KK MK2 49:
- Lower half of the keyboard: PC1 to Out 5 (MonoStation), Mods position 2: Lyr1 from C2 to B3, no bend. No other mods.
- Higher half of the keyboard: PC1 to Out 1 (Peak), Mods position 1: Lyr2 from C4 to C6, no bend. No other mods.
The hard split works.
Next, in the Mono routing, add Mods Alt1 at position 1: Alt1: Ch1, Ran 10%, Prob 100%
Higher half of the keyboard (C4 to Bb4): I have note generation and sounds played on the Mono, with decreasing probability from C4 to Bb4.
No more notes played from B4.
If I raise the Rand to 80%, I can still have sound at C6 on the MonoStation.
Normal, on the Mono routing, Alt1 is triggered with absolutely all notes from the complete range.
Regarding its random setting, it generates a note that can be in the lower range (from C2 to B3) and passes through Mods Lyr1.
I can see what I can do with that, and randomly triggering a note on the Mono while playing the Peak can be interesting.
Little problem here: every keystroke in the Mono range does not always trigger a sound.
Sometimes the generated note from Alt1 comes out of the range and does not pass through Mods Lyr1.
But this is not what I want to achieve here.
I want each keystroke on the Mono part to be played only on the Mono, and I don't want any keystroke on the Peak part to generate a sound on the Mono.
So, I need Lyr1 to be the first mod.
I revert the order on the Mono routing: Lyr1 in mod position 1, Alt1 in mod position 2.
No more keyboard split for the Mono.
I can play the Mono through all octaves from C4 to C9.
This is what I was calling a complete mess when I tried that between the Peak and the Bassline.
What it seems to me with the mods position:
- Alt1 first and Lyr1 second seems to work in series.
- Lyr1 first and Alt1 second seems to work in parallel.
Seems to me it's not working as it should.
PS: same logic can be applied with mod translate set to 12 semi-tones, it will just shut down half of the range normally played for the Mono if it comes first. No more split for the Mono when second.