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CH Layer Mods : it can't work with other mods

I've splitted my NI KK MK2 into two parts.
Lower half is for Bassline DB-01 and higher half is for Peak.

My routing : 
- PC1 > 1 (PEAK) + Mods Lyr2
  PC1 > 5 (Bassline) + Mods Lyr1

No bend on the two CH Layer, it is a hard split.

There is no problemn if it is the only mods for each routing.

BUT, serious problems arrives as soon as a want to add another mod: vel, alt, tran, cc
If a add mod the the Peak, playing on the Bassline part plays the PEAK
And vice-versa...

Impossible to use the keyboard split and try to use a more advanced configuration at the same time.

Can someone confirm this ?


Will do! Just yesterday I was thinking that it would be useful if the basic 61 key controller I have could do splits. I haven't realized till now that MRCC will do that for me.
Where are you adding the Mod that screws up the layer split? before or after the layer split?
(11 hours ago)Jesse Johannesen Wrote: Where are you adding the Mod that screws up the layer split? before or after the layer split?

The CH Layer is the first in  the two routing config, seems logic to me so I did not even try to put it last.

I will try to put it last and report.


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