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Remote port labels
just needed to vent, you can safely ignore this message.

Let me just say I can't express how much hate I have for the Edit Labels, Assign Labels menus.

I recently had to redo the labels on 2 MRCCs.  2 hours later I finally have configurations that are saved correctly.

Editing labels - don't push the big black encoder by accident - you leave the whole menu without saving your edit.

Assigning labels - I assigned labels to all ins and outs (tedious but doable), saved as User 1.  Also saved as A1.
Go to Routing page - no labels show up for inputs 1-6 or USB A, B, C, D
Redo those assignments, save again.  This time OK.

Second MRCC - Edits go OK
Assigning labels - same process as above, this time some output assignment labels not saved and inputs 1-3 not saved.
Re-assign all those, save again - all good.
Haven't tried power cycling them yet.

and don't even get me started on all the useless labels that I have to scroll through that can't be deleted.
(removing the side panels, pulling the SD card, putting that into a computer, etc x2 is a non-starter).

Rant over - feel free to ignore.
Label editing was a mess a year ago when I started this thread. This isn’t a rant, it’s reality. I’ve gone on to realize that CL is basically one guy tinkering in his garage with a couple buddies that help part time with stuff like this forum. I have lost hope that providing feedback will result in anything meaningful.
Don’t think that’s fair, however I need to grab the manual as well for labelling, what I did though was creating a laminated cheatsheet with mrcc port, device, midi ch, usb ch.
i also connected the ports in a way i could easily remember where possible, with the same midi. Channel as port, this already sorts out about half of the ports. I never look at the display. Appreciate everyone works different, but this works for me.
Moog One on port 1
Se-02 on 2
TD3 on 3
Prophet on 5
OB6 on 6
(09-13-2022, 10:12 PM)Raphie Wrote: Don’t think that’s fair, however I need to grab the manual as well for labelling, what I did though was creating a laminated cheatsheet with mrcc port, device, midi ch, usb ch.
i also connected the ports in a way i could easily remember where possible, with the same midi. Channel as port, this already sorts out about half of the ports. I never look at the display. Appreciate everyone works different, but this works for me.
Moog One on port 1
Se-02 on 2
TD3 on 3
Prophet on 5
OB6 on 6

There's some features of the MRCC I never use, there's a lot I use all the time.  Labels are one of those grey areas - when I need to do it, it's a struggle each time.
All in all, 99% of the time the MRCC is a wonderful tool for consolidating and organizing all types of MIDI devices and my studio setup is better for them being here.

As far as labels goes, I made a strip in Excel (PDF version attached) that I cut out and tape across the bottom of the MRCCs.  They cover up the numbers, but with the names, I don't need the numbers.
I have 2 rows for outputs since I have the MRCCs connected and can route from one to the other.  It'c convenient that you can label each USB input port because I have an Xpandr 4x1 connected and can label each input and have the Xpandr located away from the MRCC.

I also have a more detailed spreadsheet showing the device, where it's connected to which MRCC (in, out, both), what MIDI channel(s) it uses, and where on my mixer/patchbay it's connected.

One Label trick that might help some -- assign all your labels to the various Ins and Outs.  Then, go back to Input 1.  Cycle through each in and out again -- if the 'Assign' button lights up, that means your previous assignment didn't take for some reason and you need to redo that one.  After cycling through everything, promptly save it to some preset location.

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.pdf   effects_2022_upd16.pdf (Size: 37.32 KB / Downloads: 2)

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