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I've made good use already of the All Notes Off panic signal to clear stuck notes on a particular synth, by un-routing the MRCC connection (temporarily deselecting the destination) which automatically sends that command. Since I only had one simple thing going, it was fairly easy, the routing combination was already lit and selected. In a more complicated setup (to which I aspire) finding the particular routing combination could be a bit fiddly and take some time, so it seems like it would be nice to achieve an All Notes Off system-wide from the top level of the device, say either holding a particular button for 3-5 seconds, or perhaps a special combination press of 2 or 3 buttons. In addition to being directly accessible at all times, it would also save the step of needing to remake the connection, assuming one wants to continue using it.
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Yeah, it's got a button combo for that, I have to look it up but I think it may be [shift+encoder button] or [shift+sleep]. Not sure whether you are running a recent FW, but in one of the recent updates Steve added routing memory, so if you unroute and reroute a connection, the parameters are still the way you left them instead of starting over with a blank patch.
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Just to follow up, I found this feature on p. 19 of the manual:
Shift + Encoder button press – PANIC, sends MIDI Note-off messages to routed out-Ports.
Shift + Encoder (long) button press – BIG PANIC, sends MIDI Note-off messages to all out-Ports.
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Another follow up:
After completely forgetting the assigned combinations mentioned above, due to thankfully not needing them often, I've now had occasion to revisit this feature, and have discovered a little wrinkle in the behavior that might be looked at for an update. Namely, while using 2 MRCCs with the network cable connection, I have a hardware sequencer going into one unit, and using the remote button to route to a synth connected to the other unit. From the router doing the actual routing, that is what we're considering the first unit with the sequencer attached, neither of the 2 button combo presses (long nor short) sends the All Notes Off signal to the stuck synth, because it's only cycling (visible with the red lights) to its own ports, apparently. On the second MRCC, then, with the destination port feeding the synth, only the long press accomplishes the task, inasmuch as it cycles through all of its own out ports. However, the short press only cycles through ports that are actively routed from its own panel, not the other unit. This last condition seems normal. What I would suggest is that the first unit include the remote routed ports, since it is the one having made the connection, or perhaps to "pass along" the message to the second unit, or perhaps some other method that would align with how things are programmed, such that either the long or short combination would achieve the desired result, since it's the router actually handling the incoming MIDI stream. Anyway, that's my logic, for what it's worth. Mileage may vary!
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I'll see if Steve wants to take a look at that next time I'm in the lab.