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Change KEY of Motif 1 though MIDI KB TRANS from external synth
I am able to control the NDLR CTRL through midi channel 16 (settings 1 page) and it changes the scales just fine when I press a note on my synth (when the Pattern Note Type of my Motif 1 is CHORD-Trans)

However, I created a new Pattern of Motif 1 that is SCALE Fixed and I am trying to control it through midi channel 15 on the KB TRANS (Settings 1 page) but when I press a key on my synth it does not change the KEY function of the NDLR, from let's say E to G. Do you know what I do wrong and how to fix it? 

Note: I am able to make a random knob of my synth control and change the KEY function of the NDLR on Midi Channel 14 of NDLR CTRL. What I am trying to achieve is use the keys of my synth to control that NDLR KEY function, so I can go directly from E to let's say B without moving a knob and having to go through E-F-G-A-B. Let me know if there's anyway of achieving this. Thank you.
The NDLR doesn't have a common arpeggiator mode where the note on the keyboard changes the NDLR notes. Instead, KB Trans transposes the MIDI notes from your keyboard and passes them through to MIDI out. You can see page 33 of the manual, "Transposing Inbound Notes from a MIDI Controller" for details. Also be sure to check the next section "Miscellaneous MIDI Message Topics" for what gets passed through to where.
(12-30-2019, 05:25 PM)Darryl Wrote: The NDLR doesn't have a common arpeggiator mode where the note on the keyboard changes the NDLR notes. Instead, KB Trans transposes the MIDI notes from your keyboard and passes them through to MIDI out. You can see page 33 of the manual, "Transposing Inbound Notes from a MIDI Controller" for details. Also be sure to check the next section "Miscellaneous MIDI Message Topics" for what gets passed through to where.
Thanks for the clarification. Is there any way to add that feature in the near future so I can control with the keys of my keyboard the KEY & MODE functionalities of the NDLR? If not, how about simply adding an option on the NDLR (eg. like after double clicking a button or so) where we can now have I, II,  III, IV - VII buttons control the KEY (and MODE with the BLUE button) of the NDLR? This way we will be able to go from C to F with one click rather than turning the KEY & MODE knob from C to D then E and F - which will be a musical mess when playing live trying to change from C to F. I believe that will give even more musical flexibility on this super machine on a feature that is already there, and make it much more easy to use with FIXED patterns (as well as non fixed). I will definitely be using this, a LOT!!

Thanks for getting back to me so fast and happy holidays! 

PS. That would be the best gift for the new yearWink
I believe there are two ways to solve your request as we considered this scenario in the original design.

1. If you hold Shift while changing the Tempo/Key/Mode, the change will not take effect until you release the Shift button.

2. You can change Key and Mode with MIDI CCs. See the NDLR manual, page 56, Appendix A. MIDI CC (Control Change) Implementation

Of course, for 2. your MIDI controller keyboard must be configured to send those CC. That would probably be easier than fiddling with the knob on The NDLR while performing.

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