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Deliveries from October 2019 batch
Hello all NDLR customers in the UK. Just wondered if anyone has received their NDLR from the October 2019 batch yet? I know they started to ship last week, but I've received nothing yet, not even a customs note asking for import duty. If you could post here when you receive yours, UK or otherwise, with Received, your country name and date received in the subject line to keep it quick and clear, I'm sure that would be greatly appreciated by other customers around the world too, and save Conductive being hassled by loads of "Where's my NDLR" type requests.  
Thank you!
Update: You should receive an email from the courier, FedEx (or other - I believe shipments to Germany are using a different carrier) with your NDLR's tracking information. Clicking on the link only shows the send date.

However, if you copy the tracking number from the email then go here: can track your NDLR's progress, although this may not currently show much information other than it being shipped. Read on...
You can also sign up for shipping updates. 
Tick all of the alert boxes and pop in your email address, and you should get an update after a few minutes. This is much more helpful than the tracking information on the website.  It looks like mine should be delivered to the UK on Wednesday 13th Smile

Worth a shot.
November 20th 2019: Hi all, just for your info, I've now received my NDLR from the latest batch (over a week ago), so it looks like they're now landing in the UK. Smile
For those still waiting, if you've not received an email from FedEx to say it's on its way, it may be worth checking with Conductive Labs, as mine took only four days to get here from Hong Kong, and two of those days were a weekend.
Hi, I’m curious when you ordered via IndieGoGo. I ordered on 11/14, received confirmation from indiegogo, then received a follow-up from telling me to expect an email confirming tracking within “a couple of days”, but at this point it’s been nearly two weeks with no update on timing.

I’m happy to wait as long as it takes for the NLDR, but am a bit anxious given the lack of communication since purchase. Any insight you can share into the timing / communication you received may help put me at ease!
Ordered: 15.11
Order prepared / shipped: 21.11

And then the #+!!*''*!! of DHL Express messed up the delivery

First faked delivery attempt: 22.11
Picked up by myself: 25.11
DHL is definitely the worst company.
Each time I have to deal with them it becomes a mess.

I had to make some calls, to change three times my address to finally have the possibility to get my Ndlr.
5 days after the official delivery date.

And each time it's the same thing...

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