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Menu 4 Rhythm Editor for gate length
Just received my NDLR and its a very well thought out machine.

For me the main thing missing is being able to change the note lengths with the Rhythm Editor to make the notes have different gate lengths.
This is the main thing missing that would make it able to have a lot of funky variation.  I really feel that this is an essential feature in any advanced arpeggiator and was surprised to find out it only does Legato.

My understanding from the brief scan I have done on the forums is that for some reason implementing a knob for gate length would be hard?

I was wondering is this due to just the layout of the front panel or something else deeper in the coding????

If its just the layout I have a simple and intuitive suggestion.

What I would suggest is having a second page on Shift Menu 4 and have the circles of the rhythm editor exactly the same as before but the lines from the DOT control gate length rather than velocity.  This could be implemented in % or have a deeper setting that quantizes to 1/4 note etc.

I use synths like the new WASP clone etc that have no midi CC and need note length as the ADSR is only ADS and will only output legato or not work.

My apology's if this is old ground as I am new to NDLR.

Thank you.

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Menu 4 Rhythm Editor for gate length - by Stalker - 02-03-2020, 09:56 PM

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