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Cannot get MMRC 880 to work with DAW
Thank you both so much! Not sure why I was struggling with this, but I think I've got it. Let me play it back:

Routing to the DAW - selecting a DIN input, then holding the PC output I can see which 'Virtual' ports I'm sending that signal to. The PC output button remains lit after releasing to show that the input is going not just to a MIDI OUT, but (one of) the Virtual outs as well.

Routing from the DAW - hold PC In, select a virtual port, release, then select which MIDI outputs to send it to.

I agree with oldgearguy, this would be a really useful 1 minute video and I think sell a lot more units! This is a great device, and I do like the way I can change routings on the fly. If I'm thinking right, it means I can have all my 4 hardware synths on MIDI Channel 1 and send all MIDI to all channels, then just deselect ones I don't want to play using the buttons on the MRCC.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Cannot get MMRC 880 to work with DAW - by dadjokes - 07-26-2023, 09:15 AM

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