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Stochastic Generative Mode
Although I really like the SIG, when I read the OP I thought this was getting away from the initial intent of the NDLR. I thought of an alternative use of the NDLR to kinda sorta approximate some of the features of the SIG. But, I didn't want to come off in a negative fashion, so I let it go. Then Jessie came in with his enthusiasm and suggested the LFO pattern possibility for generative stuff, which was encouraging.

This morning I decided to interrupt my working on my current song to try out my thoughts that initially came to me while reading the comments above about the SIG. My gawd, this thing is beautiful and exactly what I was looking for since my current song is heavily random and probability based. Here's what I did:

To simulate the note probability sliders of the SIG, I used the Pattern Editor to set probabilities of notes by repeating entries of a particular note. Then, set the Motif's Variation to Random. VOILA! Probability of notes desired is the result. For example, the pattern could be 0-0-0-0-1-1-2-2. This will yield a probability of note 0 playing 50% of the time, note 1 playing 25% of the time, and note 2 playing 25% of the time. Of course, this has nowhere near the flexibility of the SIG, but it kinda sorta gets there part way. The Pattern Editor is limited to a grand total of 16 notes, limiting the granularity of probability - especially with greater numbers of total notes to select from in the desired pattern. But for my needs, where I only wanted five notes to be used, I got just the amount of weighted randomness I was searching for. Plus you get the great transposition due to chord degree changes that makes the NDLR so intoxicating. Thank you #Majickthise.

By the way, the pattern I ended up with was: 0-0-0-0-0-1-1-2-2-2-3-3-3-4-4-4. Which results in 31.25% note 0, 12.5% note 1, 18.75% notes 2, 3, and 4 each.

Messages In This Thread
Stochastic Generative Mode - by Majickthise - 04-08-2023, 09:49 AM
RE: Stochastic Generative Mode - by House de Kris - 04-14-2023, 07:10 AM

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