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Assign toggle filters the same way as we assign outputs
I'd like to be able to select one of the toggle filters, such as clock, rt, note etc the same way as I select routes. 

1. I select a input 2
2. I navigate to the clock filter icon
3. all the filtered outputs (not just the current routing) are highlighted using the port indicator leds/buttons
4. I can toggle any output clock filtering for input 2 by selecting the button for that port. 

When I chain one controller from anouther, letting only one be the RT controller, other controllers as slaves, then I make one input port send the RT to everything (except synths with built in sequencers that I don't want to use), and then on the slave controllers i select their inputs and disable RT globably. then i need to configure clockes to send to all buit the originating device, etc.

Messages In This Thread
Assign toggle filters the same way as we assign outputs - by Squee-D - 06-13-2022, 09:24 PM

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