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Routing Causing MRCC to Freeze
First off, sorry for the frustration. I know how it feels to want to just use the thing you bought without it having problems. If the MRCC is crashing when being used via DIN MIDI only, then we either have a bug, (likely) or your device is faulty (probably less likely). Would you mind sending me an email to to discuss it in more depth. Maybe we can arrange to do a zoom call and try to figure out what's up?

Messages In This Thread
MRCC is basically unusable - by Eamoex - 09-24-2021, 05:29 PM
RE: MRCC is basically unusable - by Jesse Johannesen - 09-24-2021, 06:57 PM
RE: MRCC is basically unusable - by Eamoex - 09-25-2021, 12:53 AM
RE: MRCC is basically unusable - by oldgearguy - 09-25-2021, 08:15 AM
RE: MRCC is basically unusable - by Eamoex - 09-25-2021, 08:29 AM
RE: MRCC is basically unusable - by Eamoex - 09-28-2021, 05:14 AM
RE: MRCC is basically unusable - by Eamoex - 10-01-2021, 05:31 PM
RE: MRCC is basically unusable - by oldgearguy - 10-02-2021, 03:50 PM
RE: MRCC is basically unusable - by Eamoex - 10-03-2021, 10:53 PM
RE: MRCC is basically unusable - by oldgearguy - 10-04-2021, 02:05 AM
RE: MRCC is basically unusable - by Eamoex - 10-04-2021, 09:04 AM
RE: MRCC is basically unusable - by oldgearguy - 10-04-2021, 04:36 PM
RE: MRCC is basically unusable - by oldgearguy - 10-05-2021, 10:56 AM
RE: MRCC is basically unusable - by Darryl - 10-05-2021, 01:29 PM
RE: MRCC is basically unusable - by Eamoex - 10-06-2021, 01:56 AM
RE: Routing Causing MRCC to Freeze - by Eamoex - 10-18-2021, 05:39 AM
RE: Routing Causing MRCC to Freeze - by Raphie - 10-18-2021, 06:22 AM
RE: Routing Causing MRCC to Freeze - by Eamoex - 10-18-2021, 06:54 AM
RE: Routing Causing MRCC to Freeze - by Raphie - 10-18-2021, 07:07 AM
RE: Routing Causing MRCC to Freeze - by Eamoex - 10-18-2021, 07:19 AM

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