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Hairpulling rewarded: Studio One DAW integration
(08-08-2021, 01:04 PM)Jesse Johannesen Wrote: My advice would have been to use the MIDI controller's USB connection for controlling the Librarian and DAW and patch the DIN out to one of the MRCC DIN input ports. I can't work out in my head if that would create any issues, but I think it should work OK, and you should still be visible to the Librarian.

Thanks, Jesse.  I configured it like this and it does work.  In the DAW, I've set some instruments to receive from the controller via USB directly, and others to pick up the feed via DIN to the MRCC, and the connection to the Components software is active due to the direct to PC connection.  Perhaps I'm biting off a lot to chew in one sitting, but the reason for not only wanting to route from keyboard to synth, but also through the PC and back, is to capture MIDI note data in the DAW sequencer sometimes, to be played back later.  The MRCC integration with the DAW still requires the same (or revised, more below) 'External Devices' setup irrespective of it's physical connections (USB, DIN, TRS), and it's this configuration in the software that I'm just coming to grips with a bit better.  This is all on the Studio One side, the MRCC is fine, except for the apparent limitation of the controller talking to it's librarian when going through the MRCC instead of directly to PC, so if that's the way it is, I can live with that, but if at some point it becomes workable, that would be nice.  Another reason to be conservative with inputs is that the number of devices I have, such as drum machines and groove boxes, with built in sequencers that may occasionally need their MIDI outputs to get passed along to other things, is in excess of the available MRCC inputs, even including the second one scheduled to arrive this week.

Returning to the DAW configuration challenge from yesterday (again, in case this helps anyone) I made some progress today: because of the myriad options in the program, some of the trees get lost in the forest.  When adding the first MRCC 'device' for whatever reason I made it an 'Instrument' (besides the prepopulated list, there are three sort of blank slate starting categories, 'Keyboard,' 'Instrument,' and 'Controller) which is the reason, presumably, for needing to make that MRCC port an instrument track in a song to pass data to that port.  It turns out that if you select 'Keyboard' instead, that newly created 'device' isn't an instrument to be the basis for a track, it is now rather one of the controllers available for any conventional instrument (virtual or real) track to pass MIDI data from and to, which is probably closer the the proper configuration, whereas having it as an 'Instrument' seems more like a workaround, although similar in terms of setup.  Additionally, the destination synth needs a track assigned in the program, and a bit of controller and channel source and destination setup, which I'm still fumbling with to nail down reliably so I can repeat it successfully, but we're getting there.  I was able to have MIDI travelling bi-directionally through the MRCC, from the keyboard to the PC, and from the PC to the synth, all at the same time, so a happy achievement there.  Depending on how many of the 12 virtual ports will be needed, they must each now be added as individual 'Keyboard' 'External Devices' in the program, and possibly (still trying to figure this out) each synth or similar would need to be an 'Instrument' 'External Device' also in order to use in a track, although maybe just one generic 'outboard synth' entry might work for all.  More experimentation is required, but at least I feel like I'm over the hump.  If any of you DAW jockeys, Studio One especially, have anything to add, please chime in if you think I'm on the right track, or if there are better ways of doing this setup.

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RE: Hairpulling rewarded: Studio One DAW integration - by Dark Waves - 08-09-2021, 03:37 AM

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