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Filtering specific MIDI channels?
I feel like there has to be a way to do this use case, but I'm having trouble figuring it out. In this particular case we have a sequencer plugged into USB sending data to a synthesizer and a drum machine on the MIDI out ports. I've been reading the manual and trying out a bunch of different features, but nothing seems to match my use case here. 

The issue here is that the particular synthesizer involved has no ability to set its MIDI in channel, so it's also playing notes for the drum machine data. The filtering option though seems to be all or nothing - I can have it turn off all MIDI note data being sent to a particular output, but not just for a certain channel. Is there some sort of setting I'm missing here where I can have an output only respond to a certain channel? Thankfully most gear has the ability to set an input channel, and I have some possible workarounds external to the MRCC, but wanted to put this use case out into the world in case anyone else has run into it and knows how to handle it.

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Filtering specific MIDI channels? - by katiecruel - 08-03-2021, 01:14 PM

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