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NDLR internal clock vs CTRL cc #72
(03-16-2021, 04:12 AM)House de Kris Wrote: Ah, that makes sense, thanks for 'splaining it to me. Therein lies the problem, it is unwise to combine multiple functions on one MIDI channel. Either a channel plays a synth voice, or it controls gear. Don't attempt to do two completely unrelated things at the same time on one channel.

Problem solved!


Sure no problem House of Kris!

(More 'splaining.) Smile Big Grin Smile Angel

well it depends on the midi spec, the user needs and the gear.

Some gear's midi specification requires that you reserve a specific channel for use with the NDLR. point in case. Spectralis Digital Synth is set to 14, 15, 16...and the A-synth is set to 13...So four channels of the 16 are immediately taken off the table. 

other times a synth can be set to an omni mode and it doesn't matter which channel the CC is coming just jumps the shark and redirects the midi to the channel in focus at that very moment.(roland MV8800, Emu command station, Emu 5k Ultra)...the term is "omni" mode for the EMU's and the MV8800 would rather be "in charge" of its a great sequencer but its a chore working outside of "omni" mode.

So often with more extensive setups one does indeed need to be situationally aware of errant midi signals going and coming from certain midi channels....
it's part of working with hardware sequencers and synthesizers due to the designers adhering to midi specifications and then injecting their own flavors based on their desired functionality.

which is why an accept/ignore/clip function on the sequencer is a great compromise...mainly because it could save people the time and effort from hunting down a midi signal and put that back into noodling.


because it's a bold enough aspect of the creation/design process....the clock by which sequences depend on articulation(pad strum, drone rhythm, melodic rhythm and clock division) ....and on the other side of the pond....a VCA attribute that tells a digital patch how long to taper off.

thanks for all your insight!

Messages In This Thread
RE: NDLR internal clock vs CTRL cc #72 - by Ghostz_of_Moar - 03-16-2021, 04:39 AM

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