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  • 5 NDLR x 2 FW 1.073 is crashing alot
(03-14-2021, 07:11 AM)Jesse Johannesen Wrote:
(03-13-2021, 09:21 PM)Ghostz_of_Moar Wrote:
(03-13-2021, 12:11 PM)Dirk Offringa Wrote: Interesting read... keep it coming. I have a Octatrack too, but I use a Pyramid for midi duties, but never mind , I share your concerns , this thread is useful, thanks

Thanks I’m still hunting down glitches and I have only heard good things about the pyramid sequencer. I have other sequencers as well, but my decision on using the OT is mostly for the arranger/song view.

The key thing to appreciate about the NDLR sequencing strategy is the fact that almost everything is in midi cc’s...and with a bit of coordination and planning we can enjoy a certain degree of tactical improvisation by placing pinpoint parameter locks on the sequencer and then in the case of the OT turn the entire track off, switch to the NDLR , keep flowing and then re engage the octatrack in either song or pattern mode.

So far it’s best when I stay with 5-6 voices on the paid, btwa.

The midi cc solution could be better. It’s not a lot of fun needle nosing midi cc of 1-7 versus having 1-7 averaged across 0-127

(03-13-2021, 08:52 PM)Jesse Johannesen Wrote:
(03-12-2021, 10:03 AM)Dirk Offringa Wrote: I noticed that CC#26 changes the chord degree, but also the motif2 midiport. That's a weird implementation. Could that be related?
Dirk it this was an issue it must have been cleared up in a FW update a while back, I just tested it on my unit and it only changes the Chord Degree for me. I recommend taking a second to get updated to the most recent firmware. In fact come to think of it, that should have been my first recommendation for this whole thread. I'm still getting caught up with reading the thread, but Ghostz, if you haven't yet, I would suggest you check if your FW is up to date too.


Hello, my NDLR arrived with 1.1.073 

Am I missing an update because I thought I was fully updated...

Nope, that's the current version, scratch that.

I see what you mean about needle nosing, but changing that now would be complicated (people have put time into creating editors etc). I don't want to try and sell you a solution, but that is one of the things that the MRCC router does, it can scale incoming CCs to a smaller (or larger) range, and map them from one to the other actually too.

I'll get back to you later with my results of my OctaTest.

Oh I was planning on getting the midi router later on due to the sheer size of my setup and my needs. 

Thanks for getting back to me.

ALSO....before I forget.

I’m putting midi triggers(red) on the octatrack’s T1, which define chords I-VII ...this triggers the pad track voicing automatically. everywhere else I use trigless triggers(green) to automate midi cc values which then point.

(Good News)

There are some alternate playback methods for the midi tracks which could inadvertently lead to more happy accidental automation of the NDLR. Up until now all the midi tracks are starting at the same time....but on page 66 of the OT manual there is the “play free” option....which could indeed open some new dimensions up....

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RE: NDLR x 2 FW 1.073 is crashing alot - by Ghostz_of_Moar - 03-14-2021, 09:24 AM

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