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Import midi pattern
I found one music theory thing, where your motif pattern will generate something else than I expect.

The motif pattern for CHORD mode tells what number of note to play in that chord from 1 to 8.

But if the chord have something like inversion, it will not work properly.

Lets say pads play this chord sequence in A minor scale:
1) i A triad and 6 notes are selected: C3, E3, A3, C4, E4, A4
2) VI F triad: C3, F3, A3, C4, F4, A4

Here you will see the issue. The original motif from screenshot plays note A3 and then F3. But position of A3 in the first chord is 3, while position of F3 in the first chord is 2.

Therefore in your motif pattern if I input 3 it will play A3 in the first chord degree, but when I switch to VI F, it will not play F3 because it is on 2nd position.

Did I explain it well?

The whole issue is about the root note is changing. Because if I use external motif arpeggiator and let NDLR send Drone root note, it works properly. Drone root note will properly change from A3 to F3, so I can address that as first note from the chord in arpeggiator and then use something like play note +3 and +5 from A minor scale and it works perfectly.

But your motif pattern is not capable of this. There should be some option to input relative notes in the pattern based on Drone root note. I think it is some other option. None of CHORD or SCALE options in Motif pattern editor will do this, right?

The reason I am so specific about this is that I need to make NDLR play specific chord and motif to represent dance melodies from the 90's with specific feel. After I can do that, I can play and noodle around. But right now I get different midi data no matter what I do. However I have been able to workaround this using Drone root note and external sequencer.

Yes I have now verified there is something missing in your NDLR. Because if I change motif pattern to SCALE-fixed. It will always play the same notes even on VI F chord degree. Therefore there should be mode SCALE-root, which would do what Drone root note is doing. It would be based on the scale, but first note will count from the current root note!

This is the missing piece of puzzle that will allow to use NDLR with contemporary dance music (90's and 2000's) when the position of the notes is changed and you need to react based on the root note, not based on the chord.

So you even cannot use motif to create a bass. Because bass need to always react to root note. Bass almost always plays the root note. So only drone can be used to generate bass. Motif cannot be used even while a lot of videos says motif 1 can be bass and motif 2 can be melody. Right now it can't :-)

Messages In This Thread
Import midi pattern - by Cyberluke - 01-18-2021, 04:46 AM
RE: Import midi pattern - by Cyberluke - 01-18-2021, 05:49 PM
RE: Import midi pattern - by Jesse Johannesen - 01-18-2021, 11:01 PM
RE: Import midi pattern - by Cyberluke - 01-19-2021, 02:28 AM
RE: Import midi pattern - by Jesse Johannesen - 01-19-2021, 10:03 PM
RE: Import midi pattern - by Cyberluke - 01-20-2021, 02:45 AM
RE: Import midi pattern - by Jesse Johannesen - 01-20-2021, 08:21 AM
RE: Import midi pattern - by Cyberluke - 01-20-2021, 10:08 AM
RE: Import midi pattern - by Cyberluke - 01-21-2021, 06:54 AM
RE: Import midi pattern - by Jesse Johannesen - 01-22-2021, 10:11 PM
RE: Import midi pattern - by Cyberluke - 09-06-2022, 05:45 PM

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