09-23-2020, 03:15 AM
Hi, I registered to this forum especially to express my desire to get some ERM Multiclock functionality into the MRCC too. It would mean an instant buy for me and a huge asset to my studio and live rig. I intend to bring devices such as a laptop running Ableton, an MPC, a NDLR (happy NDLR user here! :-)) and a TR-8S to a live gig but I deliberately don't want to run all of them off the same master sync source. I am looking for the ability to independently start and stop all of these, so that a sequencer that receives a start signal kicks in exactly at the start of the next bar. This would allow me to treat a live performance much like a DJ set on steroids, where I have the freedom to load in any song in Ableton or my MPC while other sequencers are playing and then punch them in...