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Menu 4 Rhythm Editor for gate length
(09-10-2020, 09:13 PM)Royce Wrote: I think I must be missing something?

The Motif Rhythm has an adjustable gate length using 'ties' and 'rests' along with 'CLK DIV' (clock division).
Rhythms (32 steps) with division set to ÷8 gives you a bar of 4/4 with demisemiquaver (1/32th) gating resolution.
A crotchet is just 1 velocity and 7 ties. A quaver then a quaver rest is 1 velocity, 3 ties and 4 rests

Perhaps if we could combine Rhythms to make them longer would be nice, but you can also do that by sending a CC42 or CC50  from a looped DAW track (Live comes to mind, but I use a Reaper track).

Set up 2 Rhythms with division set to ÷4, so you now have two Rhythms of two bars of 4 each with semiquaver (16th) gating resolution.
Step edit insert at DAW bar1-note 1 a CC42 with the Rhythm number 21 (I use a User Rhythm, but we can talk about that later) and again at bar 2 for Motif1 ( CC50 for Motif2).

You can Midi clock them for sync (or as I like to do, no sync to phase the DAW against the NDLR).

Unfortunately the NDLR is no longer stand alone, but it works for me.
Very creative solution Royce. A little complicated, but you can simulate a gate with rhythms. I'd love to have a Gate length on a motif knob, but not sure we'll ever get that to happen.

Messages In This Thread
Menu 4 Rhythm Editor for gate length - by Stalker - 02-03-2020, 09:56 PM
RE: Menu 4 Rhythm Editor for gate length - by Darryl - 09-11-2020, 11:22 AM

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