09-01-2020, 11:28 AM
(08-31-2020, 03:13 PM)racecube Wrote: As it is now NDLR Cntl receives key changes from ALL (Default 15 ALL)I've seen this too. I wonder if I can talk Steve into adding a menu value for this, so you can turn that behavior on and off. The issue is that the flash memory on the device is almost all taken up and there aren't many bits left unused and if we add a menu item it has to be put into each save state as well. It may be possible, but I can't promise anything. I'll add it to the bug list and discuss it with him. In the mean time, sorry about the inconvenience.
My setup is: Deluge MIDI Track 15 sequences NDLR chord changes. This works fine...but:
When I enter a MOTIF Menu every chord change causes a step value change in my MOTIF.