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Bug(?) - drone re-activated during Stop by mod matrix
Re the second observation (Pad modulation is interrupted/restarted by manual trigger of other parts): I can confirm that this is repeatable.

Seems to be when many mods, inc on/off, are assigned to Pad part.  When stopping - say - Motif 1, the Pad mods freeze. The pad still plays, but mods to position, spread, etc no longer take effect, and the Pad bar is displayed, frozen, in white.  Specifically:

Mod#    SRC            AMT   TAR         RNG   VAL
1       LFO1UNI/6bts   35%   PAD POS     20-62 28
2       LFO2SIN/26sec  86%   PAD RNG     1-63  21
3       MOD4UNI/8bts   100%  PAD ON/OFF  0-1   0

Curiously, Mod3 pad on/off keeps turning the part on/off (heard, and witnessed by blue light), but pos&range are the ones that get stuck.  I have had similar on/off mods on drone but didn't notice the same issue - only Pad.  I haven't found a consistent way to re-activate the mods, either.  Pressing play/stop on the Motif that 'stopped' the Pad mod doesn't always 'unstick' it, but eventually does - seems to be timing related.  I'm on 1.1.070 BTW, and the other five mod slots are active too - plenty of modulation going on (perhaps too much?)...

Speaking of sticking: the pad screen fix in 1.1.070 (activate the pad screen when either of the pad buttons is pushed) seems somewhat over-zealous.  I've found the screen 'sticking' to the Pad display even after a Motif was selected by the 1/2 button, the active parameter (position, pattern, etc) is displayed in yellow and actually changing at the top of the screen, the rest of the screen resolutely sticks with the Pad parameters, and this also persists after clicking all the Motif buttons.  What (in one case just now) unstuck it was hitting the 1/2 motif button: this returned the screen to the motif view.

Apologies, but - as with the Pad/Mod thing - I've not had time to delve methodically or persistently, but it's certainly recurrent.

I'm having a lot of fun though - potential buyers shouldn't be discouraged.


Messages In This Thread
RE: Bug(?) - drone re-activated during Stop by mod matrix - by autopoiesis - 08-26-2020, 01:59 PM

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