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quick chord progression feature
There are 5 knobs with only two functions. One could be used for quick sequencer/chord progression. 
Just enter a chord degree and chord type. This could be saved with a session. To activate use one of the knobs. 
Say we use knob #1 (Pad) and dedicate a small part of display to 3 letters P,E,M (Play, Erase, Manual) Yes there is a bit of real estate for one extra letter) 
Those are only 3+3 bits and 2 bits for repetition so with 10 bytes you could program up to 40 bars of chord progression.  
(3 bits because there are only 7 values) 
This kind of pattern programming is familiar from Pocket Operators very intuitive and easy. 
With more memory you could save 7 sequences per session. (there are 7 buttons) 

Here is how manual addition would look for this feature.

Quick Sequence Feature
You can program a quick chord progression with NDLR.

1. Click the first knob to navigate to QS function, A letter in the left top triangle will indicate sequencer state 
2. Select the ‘P’ to record and play chord progression 
3. If you have a previous sequence programmed  dial ‘E’ and hold button “I" for 3 seconds to erase
3. Start to add steps by using 7 chord buttons same as If you would play NDLR 
4. To repeat a chord just click the button twice (chord type from previous step will be remembered) 
5. As you entering notes the chords are being played and number next to the R shows bars already entered
6. If you make mistake just go from P to E and press the “I" button to delete the last entered step
7. The M - manual mode is to trigger the chord change manually with the “I" button 

Yeah I know we would need a sticker on knob #1 but hey for a quick sequence to practice with NDLR why not

Messages In This Thread
quick chord progression feature - by funktree - 02-03-2019, 05:52 PM
RE: quick chord progression feature - by Darryl - 02-15-2019, 02:32 AM

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