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Arturia Keystep Midi (Ndlr)
There are a couple of ways to use an external sequencer or keyboard.

You can use The NDLR transpose feature, which will take incoming notes, convert them to the current NDLR Key and Mode, then pass them thru the MIDI output.

Another way to use the keyboard or sequencer is with The NDLR Control feature, which offers various ways to change the chord and chord type.

You can also use the built in Chord Sequencer to make a sequence of Chords, or use the modulation matrix to change chords, but in a less predictable way.

Messages In This Thread
Arturia Keystep Midi (Ndlr) - by Rick_Irregular - 11-05-2019, 05:45 PM
RE: Arturia Keystep Midi (Ndlr) - by Darryl - 11-06-2019, 05:26 PM

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