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Bug: MRCC stops creating new routes
Great news, we've managed to solve the issue in the lab, and expect to have a release with this fix out very soon!
New MRCC Beta Firmware posted in the MRCC Open Beta Firmware forum. You must be logged in to see it.

MRCC Firmware Beta 1.1.076

- Number of simultaneous routes allowed/saved/recalled has been increased to 255  
- A number of routes counter was added to the top left corner of the Activity screen. The counter turns Red once the maximum number of routes is reached.

We have not tested it extensively, but enough to feel confident that we could share it with the folks in this thread. We have not seen any outstanding issues. If you encounter issues related to these changes, please post them in the Beta forum.

Note: see my speech regarding having too many merged ports and routes in the beta posting.   Undecided

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