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Hello dear friends of the NDLR,

I would like to send the CV clock from my NDLR-1 via 1/8” / 3.5mm mono jacks CV OUT to the NDLR-2 CV IN.

The NDLR_1 gets the CV Clock via E-RM Multiklock and it works fine. However, I cannot transfer the CV clock from NDLR_1 to NDLR_2.

My configuration:
- NDLR_1: Boot Menu: ClkOut = ON
- NDLR_1; Encoder 3: ClockIn = ClkInCV (from Multiclock), works fine

- NDLR_2: Boot Menu: ClkOut = ON (get to Waldorf Iridium)
- NDLR_2; Encoder 3: ClockIn = ClkInCV (from NDLR_1),
Doesn't work, the NDLR_2 doesn't receive the clock from NDLR_1.

Does anyone have an idea to solve the problem? Is it possibly the connection cable used (mono) between NDLR_1 and NDLR_2?

Thank you very much for your help
Helmut from Dresden, Germany
Hello Helmut! I don't think The NDLR has a CV clock passthrough.  It will be necessary to use a cable splitter from your clock source, such as these:

Tiptop patch cable with splitter

1x5 mono splitter

I've used "dollar store" stereo headphone splitters that look like the 1x5 above, and they work for mono (TS) cables but voltage will drop with many cables connected. That probably won't cause any problems with a clock, but the one above is made for TS and would be useful to have in the studio.
(02-23-2023, 01:52 PM)Darryl Wrote: Hello Helmut! I don't think The NDLR has a CV clock passthrough.  It will be necessary to use a cable splitter from your clock source, such as these:

Tiptop patch cable with splitter

1x5 mono splitter

I've used "dollar store" stereo headphone splitters that look like the 1x5 above, and they work for mono (TS) cables but voltage will drop with many cables connected. That probably won't cause any problems with a clock, but the one above is made for TS and would be useful to have in the studio.

Hello Darryl,

Thanks a lot for your help.

> I don't think The NDLR has a CV clock passthrough.

Yes, that explains the current behavior of the NDLR,

As a workaround, I send the clock from NDLR_1 to NDL_2 via MIDI DIN, which of course works perfectly.

I wish you a nice weekend

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