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Clock out blocks midi?
I'm trying to simultaneously send a clock out (to Malekko Varigate 8+) while also sending midi to treadstone). I can get both to work, just not at the same time. Whenever I plug a jack into clock out, the midi stops. Is this not a supported scenario? Any ideas how I can get this working?


We've tried to replicate this and its working ok for us. Just to make sure we are on the same page...
You are sending clock out from NDLR to the Varigate from The NDLR Clk Out jack.
You've connected a NDLR 5 Pin DIN MIDI output to Treadstone MIDI input. They include a 3.5mm jack to 5 Pin DIN dongle for that?

Are you using a mono jack cable for the Clk Out? If Clk Out is working it probably doesn't matter, but the NDLR Clk Out has a "jack detect" circuit that requires a mono connection at least on one end of the cable.

Not sure what else to suggest. We tested by connecting Clk Out from The NDLR to another NDLR Clk IN, set the receiving NDLR for Clk IN for clock source, and monitored MIDI out clock with MIDI-Ox. We tried it with 5 Pin DIN out, and USB MIDI.
(12-02-2019, 07:21 PM)Darryl Wrote: We've tried to replicate this and its working ok for us. Just to make sure we are on the same page...
You are sending clock out from NDLR to the Varigate from The NDLR Clk Out jack.
You've connected a NDLR 5 Pin DIN MIDI output to Treadstone MIDI input. They include a 3.5mm jack to 5 Pin DIN dongle for that?

Are you using a mono jack cable for the Clk Out? If Clk Out is working it probably doesn't matter, but the NDLR Clk Out has a "jack detect" circuit that requires a mono connection at least on one end of the cable.

Not sure what else to suggest. We tested by connecting Clk Out from The NDLR to another NDLR Clk IN, set the receiving NDLR for Clk IN for clock source, and monitored MIDI out clock with MIDI-Ox. We tried it with 5 Pin DIN out, and USB MIDI.
Yes.  That's the scenario, Good to hear it's supposed to work. I am using a mono patch cable (I've tried several), midi works fine up until I plug the cable in to the clk-out. I can still see an orange light blinking under the ii chord button so I think the software is working, but nothing comes out the midi dongle (the clk out works tho). I also tried clocking a Rene with the same issue, so it's not specific to the varigate clock in.   I need to get a dongle for my 0-coast (its the opposite polarity to the Treadstone) and see if it works there, but currently I'm a bit stuck.
Just to triple check...
In menu Settings #2 what are your settings for "Clk Out" and "Clk Out Div" ?
Well I've tried a bunch of combinations, but normally I have it on 24ppq and 1:1.

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