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MIDI Note Input Modifier / Re-Sequencer
Fellow knob twiddling folk, 

I have already noticed some requests for the NDLR to gain some of the capability of pseudo-random sequencing devices such as the Stochastic Sig or the Vermona Melodicer, and I would like to add one of my own - a feature of the MIDIcake ARP:

Take an existing MIDI stream as an input and then be able to produce a related MIDI output based on a combination of how the NDLR is configured for that particular patch (that is the scale type and root key) combined with pitch information it is receiving as MIDI note input data. That is, essentially re-sequencing the MIDI input notes using the NDLR as an intelligent modifier of pitch data, to produce new drone, chord and arpeggiated sequences. 

[Note: I'm not talking about the way NDLR can currently respond to incoming monophonic notes by way of an alternative to the front panel controls.]

Something along the lines of what the MIDIcake ARP is doing here:

I'd also like to see the NDLR be able to generate Pgm Change messages, as well as respond to them for selecting its own internal patches (i.e. setup configs) ... unless I've missed this capability!

Finally, a flabbergasted comment: 8 patch or setup memories!? Dear Lord ... just how retro are we going to get with some of this new gear!? Has anyone not seen how cheap MicroSD cards are?

Other than that, I'm still loving it! 

Anyways, just my personal thoughts...

+1 !  for the input

and also please make it a plugin for the MPC (X)

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