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update/October 17
I initially posted about all sorts of issues that i had with the MRCC, both singly and in combination.

I now find that i have total trust in them. I use them every day, and everything just works as expected. I haven't tried all of the features - i tend to reconfigure them every day, so i'm not too concerned about saving elaborate setups....

but connections between units, both din connections and usb connections, as well as connections to the computer (sometimes if i'm puzzled as to whether something is sending out midi, my software midi monitor will show me).

So, if this were someone else posting, i would conclude that the original problems were user error, which is my current thought. I do think that some of that was trying to interpret the manual, but at this point, i just know how it works and i don't have to think about it.

I haven't seen any commentary by conductive labs as to whether a computer editor will be possible in the future. That would make this system so amazing.
Thank you for the feedback Nelson, good to hear its working out for you! We have been making updates to the Firmware as well, so be sure to check the MRCC Open Beta Firmware section for the latest release notes.

We currently have no plans to make a computer editor. Our focus, and considerable effort has been on making it relatively easy to configure on MRCC without a computer. There are some trade-offs in reduced flexibility that make it easier to use, but we think we've covered the most important features. We hope people find that the routing buttons and automatic merging make MRCC a truly convenient MIDI router.
oh - great. wish there were email notifications about firmware, etc. When stuff is working so well, i probably go to the website less often (which is why i posted the update). and to re-emphasize - every time in the last few weeks that it seems like something isn't working, it's some user error in my complex setup.

But yeah - what i'd like to know (so I and some others who want a computer interface for it) won't have any it technically possible? In other words, with my 2 MRCCs and constantly changing routings, i'd just love to see them all summarized on a big screen.

so yes - it is working well enough, and it is convenient enough, that i don't use Live any more to do the midi routings. If I am unsure that the midi is being sent out, i can route to the computer output, and look at my midi monitor.
There is an onboard midi monitor on the device as well, in the extras menu (I think). It's fairly limited with 8 lines, but it can be very useful to see what's being routed, and I believe in it's current state you can scroll to see older messages, and you are able to pause it at any point to see what is happening if lots of data is passing. be sure to un-pause it when you get to the menu page as it defaults to paused.

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