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SysEx problems
Is anyone here using MRCC successfully with a SysEx heavy software like a Librarian?

I have a TEO-5 connected to MRCC Port C (routed to PC port 9 In/Out) – and I'm getting constant error messages or corrupted SysEx transmissions this way. When I connect the TEO-5 directly via USB to my MacBook it works flawlessly, so it's clearly MRCC causing the problems. I'm on the latest MRCC beta firmware (v1.1.089_02-19-25).
I did some more research – and it's a size problem. Small SysEx messages are transferred/received correctly. But when an entire TEO-5 sound program is transferred (4,7 k) it doesn't work via MRCC.

Quote from the MRCC firmware notes: "we have tested numerous transfers of >150K files, comparing the received input with 100% success. It was tested with merged clock and other MIDI data."

In my test I made sure that no other MIDI data was sent from any other device (checked with MIDI Monitor software) and no other MIDI data was merged. So why are 4,7k transfers not working in my case when ">150k" files should work "with 100% success."?

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