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CH Layer Mods : it can't work with other mods

I've splitted my NI KK MK2 into two parts.
Lower half is for Bassline DB-01 and higher half is for Peak.

My routing : 
- PC1 > 1 (PEAK) + Mods Lyr2
  PC1 > 5 (Bassline) + Mods Lyr1

No bend on the two CH Layer, it is a hard split.

There is no problemn if it is the only mods for each routing.

BUT, serious problems arrives as soon as a want to add another mod: vel, alt, tran, cc
If a add mod the the Peak, playing on the Bassline part plays the PEAK
And vice-versa...

Impossible to use the keyboard split and try to use a more advanced configuration at the same time.

Can someone confirm this ?


Will do! Just yesterday I was thinking that it would be useful if the basic 61 key controller I have could do splits. I haven't realized till now that MRCC will do that for me.

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