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  Thread: A new NDLR Jam
Post: RE: A new NDLR Jam

Really nice! Thanks for sharing!
Alan Show me what you got! 1 1,437 11-11-2021, 08:41 AM
  Thread: NDLR Mute Mode
Post: RE: NDLR Mute Mode

I wouldn't need any of this if the part selectors were simply mutes instead of stops, which is a serious design flaw that should be corrected in the NDLR firmware but for some reason won't be.
Alan MRCC Feature Requests 2 1,770 07-11-2021, 10:10 AM
  Thread: NDLR Mute Mode
Post: NDLR Mute Mode

This feature would make me purchase an MRCC immediately (or at least as immediately as I could since I didn't get in on the campaign): A mode that allowed me to control enabling and disabling the blo...
Alan MRCC Feature Requests 2 1,770 07-10-2021, 06:19 AM
  Thread: Midi send/return issue
Post: RE: Midi send/return issue

The NDLR has a MIDI through for incoming data. It talks about that in the manual.
Alan MIDI Connectivity 7 10,430 05-04-2021, 09:14 AM
  Thread: Having some Issues with NDLR and VCV Rack
Post: RE: Having some Issues with NDLR and VCV Rack

The audio interface for my VCV machine is being repaired, but I'm looking forward to getting it back and playing with the two together.
Alan MIDI Connectivity 8 6,467 05-03-2021, 09:44 AM
  Thread: Start/Stop Issues
Post: RE: Power cycle resets MIDI assignments

Yes, I can use external mutes to accomplish this. But that leaves me with another big unanswered question: Why are there separate enables for the four parts at all, then? Specifically, if the enable...
Alan General Support 4 9,377 04-30-2021, 05:56 PM
  Thread: Power cycle resets MIDI assignments
Post: Power cycle resets MIDI assignments

I've also noticed that when the NDLR gets powercycled -- and it seems like sometimes when it hasn't -- it loses the configuration information about what MIDI ports and channels the various parts are a...
Alan General Support 2 8,245 04-28-2021, 05:09 AM
  Thread: Start/Stop Issues
Post: Start/Stop Issues

I have encountered some issues which make the NDLR suboptimal for live use. Sometimes my live use case involves Chord Sequencing, and sometimes it involves controlling the chords from my Roland bass p...
Alan General Support 4 9,377 04-27-2021, 06:48 AM
  Thread: First NDLR Recording
Post: RE: First NDLR Recording

Thank you for the kind words.
Alan Show me what you got! 3 2,834 04-08-2021, 06:43 AM
  Thread: First NDLR Recording
Post: First NDLR Recording

I was feeling a little bit of the Easter Spirit on Sunday and recorded this little snippet of Dallas Holmes' Rise Again while tinkering in my studio. My newly-arrived NDLR into four instances of an Ob...
Alan Show me what you got! 3 2,834 04-07-2021, 05:21 PM
  Thread: Advice to new customers in the US: Pay for faster shipping!
Post: RE: Advice to new customers in the US: Pay for fas...

23 days of agony (I don't wait well) come to an end!
Alan General Support 6 15,978 04-03-2021, 02:52 PM
  Thread: Advice to new customers in the US: Pay for faster shipping!
Post: Advice to new customers in the US: Pay for faster ...

I went with the SF Express shipping because the nice discount on shipping from Conductive Labs covered nearly the entire cost of shipping. Take my advice: Don't do this. Now, don't get me wrong. I ...
Alan General Support 6 15,978 03-28-2021, 09:27 AM