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chord control over midi? - Printable Version

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chord control over midi? - Dunk - 12-17-2019


I haven't received my NDLR yet, so don't know the answer to this but: I understand you cannot (yet) sequence chord changes (i.e. pressing the buttons around the centre display) using The NDLR itself - I was wondering is it possible to sequence this externally? 

i.e. could I use my BeatStepPro to control chord changes?

Furthermore, if this is possible then it should also be possible to do same with an iPad app - which opens up a whole load of crazy options for random, generative etc. chord sequencing...



RE: chord control over midi? - triscus - 12-19-2019

The latest firmware provides a chord sequencer, further you can select chords and lots of other stuff via CC values or MIDI Notes (C is I, D is II and so on) Check out the appendix in the manual.

RE: chord control over midi? - Darryl - 12-19-2019

You will also find a NDLR Cntl setting. This is a MIDI channel for using a keyboard or sequencer for external control.

RE: chord control over midi? - Bigsniff - 01-10-2020

You can very easily sequence chord changes with an external sequencer or controller. I have a cirklon where I’ve dedicated one track to sending chromatic notes to step through the different chords (the “white keys”) and then I use a CC to change the type of chord and other parameters. Sequencing the NDLR from an external sequencer REALLY adds a ton of functionality. I haven’t even needed to use the internal chord sequencer.