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Notes Dropping With USB - Printable Version

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Notes Dropping With USB - Gonzinigonz - 03-22-2021

Hi all
Had a thing going on which i didn't get to the bottom of.
I have been using the NDLR over USB either with a laptop or an Akai Force, which make a great combination i might add.
Noticed that if i assigned all four parts to one port over 4 channels that the pad / drone parts would drop notes on occasion.
Couldn't figure out why it was happening, i wondered if it was something i had set funny on the NDLR.
I changed it to use all four ports, so a port per part then it all started to play the parts correctly.
Not sure if its the Akai Force playing up, i don't 100% trust its firmware as has known issues with all sorts of things.
Didn't try on the 5 pin at the time.
Any ideas?


RE: Notes Dropping With USB - Jesse Johannesen - 03-25-2021

I am likely to agree with your initial suspicions. I don't have a force (yet) but I had an MPC live and the midi implementation was a little bit buggy, and by a little bit I mean a lot bit. It's really great that it handles multiple ports though since that seems to fix your issue.

RE: Notes Dropping With USB - Gonzinigonz - 04-05-2021

(03-25-2021, 06:12 AM)Jesse Johannesen Wrote: I am likely to agree with your initial suspicions. I don't have a force (yet) but I had an MPC live and the midi implementation was a little bit buggy, and by a little bit I mean a lot bit. It's really great that it handles multiple ports though since that seems to fix your issue.

Bit hard to test really with what i have here but i guess i could with the laptop with some VST's in a host.
Even just Midiox i guess.

RE: Notes Dropping With USB - Jesse Johannesen - 04-05-2021

Just got a Force! haven't gotten my head around it enough to test yet, but I will in the future once I learn the ropes.