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Full Version: Chromatic is fixed
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Thanks for a great jamming toy 

After buying it for 6 years ago and NDLR it on and off during the first few years until covid when I packed up my studio and moved a lot of boxes home. 
So the other day I opened one of it and found my NDLR again (looking for something else)
After a couple of evenings I made the stupid mistake of updating the firmware to the latest v1.1.086
So there I sat and started a project and found to my horror that in the Patter editor note type Chromatic was fixed, i.e. the notes did not follow the chord changes but the same figure is stuck in an eternal monotonous gnawing 

Furthermore, the scale is also fixed, which for me personally has little meaning (more than that NDLR can no longer come up with surprising tone sequences, maybe not always musically correct every time but always as welcome as an extra spice (as jazz once did and now for the time experimental music offers)
I found a thread where you changed it to fixed texture and I'm sure not everyone wants the chromatic to be fixed.

Please change it back because after you removed that function NDLR has become…. to be honest, I thought I had more variations in the old firmware

Or give us the option to choose both. Personal taste…

I am so sorry, I don't have any idea what you're referring to. If you would like you can always download an older version of the firmware, but if you want a motif to play in chromatic, scale or chord mode, you can edit that per pattern in the pattern editor. After entering the editor (shift + menu + ENC 5 button) you can turn the lower left encoder counter clockwise until that selection appears on the screen as an option. This selection will apply to only that pattern, and each pattern can have it's own setting selected.

If that doesn't solve your issue, let me know in way more detail what it did before and what it does now that you don't like.
Sorry if I wasn't clear enough;
In patten editor
"Patt Note Type: Chromatic-Fixed" I have used it before as a ”Chromatic-Trans” to simulate Walking figures such as C-E-G-A-Bb (flat). C Major scale with a spice of C Mixolydian (I think it's the harmonic one) that follows the chord changes to an F = F-A-C-D-Eb(flat)
Hope you understand what I mean...
Oh, I see. I was unaware that was an option at some point. I will discuss this with the team. We have been discussing similar ideas. I will ask Steve what the option meant and why he changed it and see what it would take to get it back. I can't say for sure whether it's something he wants to do, but I can ask.
Thanks for pointing that out.
What you mean is that once in the MOTIF Editor the NDLR does not respond on external MIDI anymore, not on chord change nor on scale change? Definitly a step back in noodling..
Thank you racecube, now I do understand. We're on the cusp of a firmware update and I am hoping to have some news about this in the next week or two, so this is good timing. This has been on my wish list as well for quite some time.