04-04-2024, 07:41 PM
Been away from the MRCC for awhile - trying to add some more instruments (only have 5 connected instruments on midi outputs 1 to 5, looking to add two more).
Can't make the midi channel outputs past 5 work, puzzled.
Bitwig on a Surface tablet, direct USB connection to MRCC. Five hardware synths, routing from Bitwig works as intended - I select MRCC for synth 1, MRCC 2 for synth 2, and so on. All good.
Trying to add a synth to midi output 6 on the MRCC and... Bitwig flashes to show midi is going out (MRCC 6 is selected) but the display on the MRCC does not show a telltale green flash on Output 6, whereas it does for the first five.
And the problem seems to be that I haven't routed any of the Midi outputs past output 5, because as can be seen in the attached pic of the MRCC screen only the first 5 outputs are gray boxes, the rest are solid blue boxes. But I don't see how I've routed these outputs to be gray boxes and not solid blue. My saved settings don't show anything other than Midi Out 1 as lit up.... Pic of that as well.
When I click on the Out side of the PC connection, all LEDs are lit up.
confused.... is this user routing error or strange behaviour?
Can't make the midi channel outputs past 5 work, puzzled.
Bitwig on a Surface tablet, direct USB connection to MRCC. Five hardware synths, routing from Bitwig works as intended - I select MRCC for synth 1, MRCC 2 for synth 2, and so on. All good.
Trying to add a synth to midi output 6 on the MRCC and... Bitwig flashes to show midi is going out (MRCC 6 is selected) but the display on the MRCC does not show a telltale green flash on Output 6, whereas it does for the first five.
And the problem seems to be that I haven't routed any of the Midi outputs past output 5, because as can be seen in the attached pic of the MRCC screen only the first 5 outputs are gray boxes, the rest are solid blue boxes. But I don't see how I've routed these outputs to be gray boxes and not solid blue. My saved settings don't show anything other than Midi Out 1 as lit up.... Pic of that as well.
When I click on the Out side of the PC connection, all LEDs are lit up.
confused.... is this user routing error or strange behaviour?