Conductive Labs Support Forum

Full Version: Position encoder R.I.P.
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Position/Strum encoder is dead on my V1 unit. Click is fine, rotation stopped having any effect. Can ConductiveLabs please provide with the reference of the correct encoder used so I can replace it?
I had an encoder go on my NDLR a few months ago. Excellent help from Jesse, including a short video conference. Jesse had a new encoder sent out and I replaced the old one with it. NDLR is now back in the saddle.
That sounds great. I would buy the encoder. Actually I would buy a few to be on the safe for future failures.
Hey yeah,
I think I can get a spare or two sent your way. Send me an Email at and let me know you're the person with the bad encoder and I'll sort it out for you.
Mail away! Thanks a bunch.