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Full Version: Controlling Logic Pro via the NDLR
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Hi. Long time DAW user here branching out into the world of hardware. I’ve just got my hands on the NDLR and am loving it. Currently set up to control soft synths via Logic Pro and also have it hooked up to my Novation Peak.

My question is; can the NDLR control the start/stop of the play head in Logic (or DAWs in general), when pressing one of the four play button at the bottom, or the global play button?

I’ve gone through all the menus of the NDLR and Logic and tried loads of different permutations but I’m guessing it either can’t be done or I’m missing something real simple. 

Thanks in advance for any help. Pete.
The NDLR has a setting on settings menu page 1/3 (press [menu] then press [encoder button 7]) turn encoder 8 to select a value. This menu item selects which port to send transport messages that are made by the NDLR. As long as you set this to the port your DAW is monitoring for incoming MIDI control, you should be good to go. Let me know if you run into any issues with it and I can try and sort it out with you.
(12-15-2023, 03:52 PM)Jesse Johannesen Wrote: [ -> ]The NDLR has a setting on settings menu page 1/3 (press [menu] then press [encoder button 7]) turn encoder 8 to select a value. This menu item selects which port to send transport messages that are made by the NDLR. As long as you set this to the port your DAW is monitoring for incoming MIDI control, you should be good to go. Let me know if you run into any issues with it and I can try and sort it out with you.

Hi Jesse. 

Thanks so much for the response. I did indeed try the setting as you suggested above previously but with no luck? 

I set the menu to send MIDI on all USB MIDI channels and in Logic, the MIDI input setting in the main settings menu has the NDLR USB Ports 1/2/3/4 all checked, yet I get no response in Logic when I play any of the 4 parts on the NDLR, nor the global play button. 

Also, now when I have the NDLR plugged in (directly into my iMac), and open Logic, the play head jumps to the -8 bar position and won’t play at all?! 

I’ve factory reset all of Logics settings and even done the same to the NDLR. Plus I’ve unplugged all my other MIDI devices.

It’s really bugging me but is probably something so simple. Any help greatly appreciated ?

Hey Pete,
I spent about half an hour this morning looking for details on how to set up external Transport Control in Logic, to no avail. I scoured the manual and didn't see any info that discusses how to start and stop from an external source, except by mapping MIDI messages to the screen buttons. I'm not confident that is the best option, but it's possible that it may work. If not, please send me an email at and maybe we can make arrangements to discuss it face to face via zoom.