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What I wouldn't give for a small MRCC like the 880 behind a Eurorack panel, powered by the bus...
How would it work? Like for MIDI? I'm curious to hear the use cases you have in mind.
(10-21-2023, 07:10 AM)Jesse Johannesen Wrote: [ -> ]How would it work? Like for MIDI? I'm curious to hear the use cases you have in mind.

According to Modulargrid there are over 470 modules with MIDI capabilities.

I have four in my case and a controller keyboard in front of it. It’s a mess of external MIDI router and cables laying on the desk when a primary draw in modular (for a lot of us) is building an all in one box (hundreds of modules for mixers, samplers, basically everything else except solid MIDI routing, filtering and manipulating).

I’d love to see 2 DIN and 2 TRS ins and 2 DIN and 4 TRS outs behind as small HP panel as would fit. For that matter just all TRS jacks would be fine. Very common in modular and there’s plenty of TRS to DIN cables.

The larger point is, modular people are always looking for ways to reduce tabletop spaghetti.